Defining Freedom, Getting out of Loneliness into Full SOURCE Connection

1 year ago

I begin by discussing the potential programme of missing someone and loss:

3.25 I ask the question: Do I exist if I am not seen by another?
The mechanics of loneliness: the ‘programme’ of getting us dependent on outside circumstances and people, rather than being able to feel fully complete from within.
5.08 I am saying that through emotional contact and exchange of energy with my beloved, I therefore feel more ‘real’.
If I can only feel my spirit, -my presence through another, this cannot be right…..
5.17 I invite my Greater Self into the room for questioning.
“We are that. we are structured exactly as you’ve just said it, yes.”
5.28 “You’ve been partitioned off into little slivers of mirror and you require then, the reflection to be reinstated so that you can feel that you do exist. Imagine if you are a splintered soul, of course you’re going to doubt your existence. -Now that sounds insane. But if you are in your own reflection all day, is it real what you’re experiencing? You’re only yourself. There’s no relational point. Today I was creating things, that’s my relational point. However that’s all my creation, -it doesn’t talk back to me, it just obeys what I give it. So I am expanding my own field, but do I actually I exist because no one else is saying I do?
I know it sounds really abstract, but let’s see if we can go further into this. Let’s describe the interaction of a loving friend , a beloved, a dear friend, it doesn’t really matter: it is a joy, it’s an emotion, a kind of energy.
So when we have the presence of a friend of witness another, you can, if you’re sensitive, which I am, you can feel your energy interact with their energy. Your message your information and your quantity of energy moves into their field and you then feel their field and it comes back and influences yours.
So you’re having an interchange with energy. There is a creation there, an education, an expansion -well it’s going to be expansive if the emotions are expansive. ( Let’s just go for positive emotions for now okay.)
So that’s a mixing, an expanding and growing and indulging of the energetic realms, the experience of that -it is exciting to share energy isn’t it ?
Now let’s take you on your own: You are almost encased within your own field. There is no one else that you are moving out or in from. So what do you have ? You have, - Oh my God- what we’ve been trapped into, (and the word actually which came is, “Merkaba”- which is strange, because we are told in all the ancient Vedic Scriptures, in all the new age stuff, that the Merkaba is the amazing thing you travel with).
However, I just got the sense of entrapment which is really interesting. As though when we exist in our soul sphere, the way that it’s constructed in this plane, - that we have a ‘case’ around us and it’s only when we have the presence of an other, that we have a movement of energy through us.

That’s really interesting because the investigation I did yesterday, I was chatting again to the planet and it’s always interesting when you talk to her : for me, she’s still really sleepy, but she was much more awake. Whereas for a friend she was a dragon. But I’m not really into dragons and that friend is particularly fierce, yeah! (That’s how I experience her when I listen to her voice, it’s like whoooa! Not quite my field. Where she experiences the Earth as a fierce dragon, I get really quite a sleepy entity. )

She ( the Earth), had a cap on the top of the toroidal field, and she actually called it, “The Ben Ben Stone”, and remember that’s the pyramidal capstone of a special substance, which allows transmission of energy or restriction of energy. She was calling it the Ben, Ben Stone, restricting her energy, plugging into the top of her toroidal field, and stopping her from her emanation, which we know as the aurora borealis. -That’s how we see it, it’s light, it is an energy, and we see a lot of green energy these days- green light in the aurora borealis and that it’s in this area that we call the North Pole. The top of her toroidal field was being jammed and what she was saying was that she blasted that thing off.

If any of you have studied the shape and structure of the planet (I’ll put a reference to a video I made on this The realm, the energetic body that we live in, the toroidal shape, there is this area on the ancient maps called ‘hyperborea’ and traditionally, a mountain called Mount Meru was in the centre of that, a massive magnetic Black Rock. The Black Rock/Vanguard thing, -these massive corporations that own all the other corporations worldwide, it’s no surprise that they are called that name: a restriction, a holding down.

So that was at the top that the Earth showed me, and then while we were chatting, I got this little question in my mind, “I wonder what the ice is, the ice around?” (Just think of the United Nations map with the little laurel wreath: the ice.) And I got this sense that it was like a belt.
Now I was chatting with my brilliant friend Tris Prior on Facebook today and she brought that up because I had commented on what I had seen last night. I said, “yes, it feels like a corset, holding in, restricting the toroid from its natural expansion.” -Think what they did with women in the Victorian era with those corsets, stopping us being able to breathe. If you don’t get enough oxygen, you really cannot think properly, I promise you

So that was this constructed ring around the planet. Now what am I bringing this up for? The image I got when I was feeling this sense of ‘self without the reflection of another’, feeling a, “less than“ feeling, because I felt like I had a band around me.
and it was auric field, but it it’s something which is imposed in the matrix.
A month or so ago, There are a couple of videos where I was having. extraordinary breathing situations, and it reflected back to some work. I had done with my mother’s invasive entity and what I had collected or stored in my physical body as a result of growing in her womb. It was a restrictive structure in the diaphragm, which is at the base of the lungs. It is part of the pressure system for expanding the lungs to receive all of the beautiful fresh air that we need. I was seeing it as an oroborus, or the infinity sign, I could say. But it was a restrictive structure and it came again in later videos and there is a specific one I will reference, ( 32.40 in.) so this restriction seems to be in our auric field -still this twist.

And what is coming to mind again is the separation of worlds- the natural organic and this technologist, ( that weird word I make up), the AI thing right? -With all its fake people that it is building. all of those underground entities, looking like humans, which are not at all: the clone armies. All of the intricate technological systems that have infiltrated everything, the way the graphene oxide is through us, and the nano-tech and you have to be really careful. It’s even in people like me- with eating only organic food, lovely water, living in the countryside. The technology is picking up my thoughts: It gives me those adverts when I’m just thinking, and I haven’t even looked at anything to do with it.

So we have got this system, and they are tuning it up and up and up, higher all the time because there are different frequency conductors and their Wi-Fi is a massive conductor of certain frequencies. They keep changing it and I find that I have to keep re-adjusting my energies so that I am on top of it, because I want to use my Wi-Fi, it’s very useful - like right now.
This sense I got -let’s go back to it, when I’m on my own, and I suddenly get a sense that I need to talk with somebody to feel real, to feel alive, to feel present, to feel satisfied, to feel happy. What is that true essence? Let’s look again.
15.20 So the comparison to the Earth with that squished thing down on her auric field, it’s like your crown chakra would have been blocked. That’s what she had, with this Mount Meru thing, there was this heavy magnetic block stopping her, and now she has blasted it off and the energy flow can flow in the toroidal system. - Which is how we are designed as beings, human or planets. And this restricting around her diaphragm is also going as her beloved sun melts it all away, and her expansion into different dimensions is then possible. We have talked about in that earth video (see first vide reference), of the octaves of dimensions that expand out. It’s an infinite field, just like our human bodies are also infinite fields. It’s just that there are areas where it is stronger and more tangible. So let’s go back with that comparison in mind and just see. what we can find out.
16.20 So when I am in this state of feeling the need for a beloved, for another reflection of a loving being, what could I do for myself to give myself that piece of emotion that I seem to require, in order to feel full present, whole and happy?
16.39 “Well, you’ve nailed it by doing this. This is the kind of work. You wrote in your little text to your beloved that Singing or a channelling session was the way to do it”, and why? Because you actively open your valve.
Today you were songwriting. It’s very focused it’s very mental. It is also emotional, because you’ve got to feel the melody. It’s very constructive, it’s very mathematical, to write down a piece of music. So you are in that very focused, (and I make a funny sound of focus) mindset, and what you’re soul was yearning for was the ‘open to the field’, to the greater, to GOD, yeah!? -To this beautiful, always rejuvenating Field. Because how we have to live on this planet, the way the density works is: I can’t just sing a song and it creates it into an existence, I have to write it down. I have to pull it apart, I have to analyse it, I have to turn it into a mechanistic structure in order to allow it to move through and be used.
Whereas in other realms that I’ve lived in, I can create a song, (wvrroppp!) and it is literally a piece of energy that I can move. I can copy it a zillion times, I can throw it to my friend. I can make it bigger or smaller compact it, I can change it through my heart-will.
I know that because well, I’ve just remembered it now, but I know it, I’ve worked with sound and colour in my original place of origin. I like that kind of experience it’s very fluid. And instantly changeable, but infinitely changeable.
Here we are in this very focus shut-down, and it’s like ‘yeah okay but God I need some…. I need love! And the Source Energy field is love. So to open up, and of course that’s the design for the beautiful reflection with your beloved, -but what we have to do is open in a different way.

So this is my willpower, saying I am now open to field. Do you know what really helps? I’m talking, I’m hearing my voice. I’m not really looking at myself because I’m trying to look at the camera but I can see myself out of the corner of my eye, I feel my existence. It is an ego thing, but it’s not a bad thing, it’s not a narcissistic thing, it is something which is necessary. It is this personal self-consciousness, the conscious awareness of a being. And we need to be in that state. That is a very satisfying place for Source Energy to pour into.

If you imagine us as nerve endings, and a lot of you will have seen what a neuron looks like. Well, as far as we have been able to see on the electron microscope, they have these amazing endings and a very long channel with another amazing ending. And the dendrites are all these little fingers. There are enormous numbers sometimes. on some of these nerve endings. They synapse to all these other places, through electrical current. So imagine we are a little nerve ending; we need that spark to feel that something is moving through us, we need to connect to something else. So you can just open up like this: I am witnessing myself. Therefore I am existing in my mind, in a field. This sounds too abstract … Let’s see if I can get this clearer.

20.30 All of us feel this, and we call it “loneliness”. Some people go down and down in it, and then it’s called depression. What it is is: it’s the valve-access-freedom-full connection to source. We’ve got to know about this stuff, - how do you turn it on?

And people say, “Ohhhh, Meditate for three hours, go for a walk !”Yeah you could, of course you can do all that. However, it is also a decision. And when we find the soul technology of turning this on, ha ha -oh boy, then you’re not dependent on anyone.
21.09 Everyone is completely free!
So my beloved might feel a little bit guilty now when he reads the message, I sent him but mostly my messages are sent without guilt or blame, because I understand that. So, it’s more like a, “this is curious to me how I am feeling- I am just sharing this with you and I am going to investigate it.” So I am taking responsibility for my experience and it means that he can have his experience, whatever it is that he wants and needs and has to find himself having to do today and doesn’t need to check in with me and I can still feel brilliant.

2144 That is freedom. We need freedom. We need to know what it is.
So let’s ask the question again and get a very clear answer. “When I feel this need for connection to another human being, what is it truly and what can I truly do in that moment to clear myself of the negative side of that feeling and bring myself to the fulfilment of the desire of that feeling?”
22.31 “It’s called, “The witness.”
As children, many, many, many of us were not seen or heard for our spirits. We were overlaid with expectations with all kinds of programs from our parents. –Filters, all the things they had, and it was very rare that parents could truly see, feel, hear the spirit of their children. Because they would’ve had to be as clear and bright as their children.

So being seen, and being heard, and being felt as a child is a very rare experience for almost all of us. And because of that, it is very hard for us to turn it back on, because the world conditions us away from that. -Remember this inside-out Topsy-Turvy world, makes us rely, (because it’s the easiest way to control us), on everything from the outside coming in to us.

23.32 ‘Peoples’ opinions, their emotions, what they think of us, how we fit into them’ -and that is in every single sphere, whether it’s to do with food, drink, peeing, kissing someone, talking to someone (chuckle), just walking outside, it’s all about: we are structured and programmed into the outer experience.

If we go back now just a moment. The child, that just is, (maybe not seen or heard by the adult), but this is the place we need to find and we need to be the ‘see-er’, the ‘feel-er’, and the ‘hear-er’ of us.
24.24 I do the videos because I can see, feel, hear myself. I get an intensified sensation of feeling. It changes the very way I experience my physical body. Now I can also do that in talking to myself, Singing to myself in a room. However, when I do that in just – space, like in my kitchen or somewhere, very often I have the cold reflection of all that is around me, ‘not answering back’. Of course, teapots, and shelves and jars of honey can’t answer back we say. (Maybe they can :) ) when I do this to a computer, I am answering myself back, well, the zoom is that I used to record myself -I have instant feedback.
So, we have some options here, we could say the Field: Source, God, the field the infinite field of creation, prime, creator as we know, always exists. We are in it, we are of it, we are it. If we allow ourselves to know it, to remember it, as soon as we feel this experience of needing something, we can know that there is something that will give it to us.

Now, this is a ‘sages’ thing: Everyone has said this, all the lovely people that we read their books of – the Wayne Dyers the Jesus Christ’s -all of those people and those are just the men, there is plenty of women (chuckle -we never talk about them do we, ah God, but maybe we just don’t need it ?) (chuckle)
Anyway all of these beautiful avatars, and knowers of God and Spirit and love, knew all we had to do was “ask and it’s given“– okay, that’s the Abraham Hicks thing,– know, that this field is here all the time: there is nothing inanimate. The air space is exactly what I need right now. I can make an answering energy just by knowing it’s there. So I said, if I do this in front of a computer, I can see, hear and feel, because it is my witness and I am recording it. If I have this experience of “loneliness“, a desire for human company, that satisfaction, that sense of being here, my witness to existence; I can also do that anywhere else: in my kitchen, in my sitting room, in my garden, walking – it’s a change of my perspective.
28.08 What about this as the analogy? We are a cell, like I said we are a neuron you, me, all of those people. Let’s just say, for one to the better analogy, we are all nerves, nerve endings within the body of GOD, the body of Prime Creator. In our body when you go down and look at the little blood cells, there is a lot of space between each blood cell. Yeah, so it might be like “where are you, I’m a blood cell!“ if you’re just moving very slowly as a little haemoglobin through the blood vessel- if it’s a very low blood pressure because you are asleep. The next blood cell might be quite a long way away And it might seem as if you are all on your own. But you and I know, the body is full of trillions of cells– all kinds of cells. It’s the same with us. So this thing, this space that we think of us nothing, is our body. It is our body, and we have been told that it is a nothing, and the only stuff that we have is consumption, touch, using the sensors. But if we have this, knowing that we are plugged in to the field that is our body, suddenly it changes.

29.44 So when I say that, the feeling I get is a solar plexus-to-heart, it’s like an enrichment. So let’s go back to this restriction idea that I said, where I was first experiencing looking at the feeling, and I got this sense of encasement isolation. That is a structure put upon us. We have the chakra structure, do you remember that? Those little isolated energy centres “oh my lower chakra isn’t working blah blah blah blah!” A body is not in little sections, remember it is an incredible, brilliant structure of complete interaction and you can really get it zipped up! So for example, I use this example all the time:

When I teach little people ballet (2 1/2 to 11-year-olds), I want them to feel the intelligence in their toes, in their fingertips, in the back of their head, the top of the head, in to their body. And when you get that awareness you become a system you’re not just a little chakra here and there.
30.50 Now, this idea that we are an auric field, and it’s good for our safety and protection, -it’s also an isolation mechanism. Remember: this is Topsy Turvy World. Everything is topsy-turvy. “Oh, this is my auric field, and I am so safe in it“ actually it’s not a particularly useful idea because then you have to peel it off if you want to plug in the to the body of -I wanted to say the Body of Christ, which is really interesting. “Body of Prime Creator“ I like to say, because there are so many problems with the beautiful Christ, because there is so much misinformation. So I’m just going for Prime Creator, as the Universal Source, Love, GOD– that one.
So let us not have anything in our mind that separates us and the funny thing is, this is the truth. When you know that you are just part of the BODY, and you allow that feeling of love, fulfilment, softness, warmth, (however you can describe it), well-being…. it’s an upward moving energy, it’s a flow. It is actually a flow, we are designed to flow. So these little tiny ions, this negative-positive ionic exchange, the Piso-Piero electric exchange, which goes on in all our cells all the time, this flow of energy, just like the toroid of the Earth when she was restricted. – We need to feel we are flowing, and then we exist in Source as a beautiful presence.
When we know that oh boy, then the connection to “The Beloved“ is there. Because then I am beyond restriction. then I am just in the field of love, and therefore I have access to him.

32.50 I have access to him, because he is my experience of that kind of love. So he is a doorway, a key to open into that field of love. Looking at my granddaughter, that’s a key, she’s a key to open into the experience of the love, intensity of Source Energy. When I look at my children, and I look at their faces.– How beautiful they are as parents or as adults and doing all their brilliant things, those are all sorts of ways of opening into this flow of knowing. So once you can get that access, you are connected to them, and them and them, because the love is the connector.
This love thing, we call it, ‘Love’ it is just the awareness field, the knowing. Love equals knowing. And knowing is, -that is the source of which we are. The big illusion here is that no one believes that it exists anymore, because of science. Of course, science is a child of all creation, isn’t it? It’s like a little strange game that we play on a strange little board, a board game. But once you realise you are that, you are this body -part of a body of existence of the creative force then suddenly it’s really weird, because just like: everything is different. How I am experiencing my body talking like this is different.

I am now, remember, when I said jokingly that the honey pot and the teapot in the kitchen are not going to talk to me, but actually I’m not in the kitchen right now I’m in my study. (I’ve have my clothes here, I have his long line of clothes which you never get to see, otherwise you would think it’s a dressing room and not a study wouldn’t you? chuckle.)
But I can feel them, I can feel the clothes. I can feel the colours I can feel the silk coral curtains here emanating its colour. I can feel the presence of these beautiful photographs feeding with the memory of the beauty of my children. I can feel the warmth and the pattern of the designs and the floral qualities, the soft emanations of the flowers. I am now able to feel as part of the field.
So my energy is no longer restricted in a kind of , (I indicate a close sphere)“I am this, I am that, I am only this!“ I don’t feel sad or longing anymore.

35.35 So if we get the sense of loneliness, yes, you could go and meditate for hours, you could go and power on your bicycle and get some endorphins through your brain, or you could just start to talk to yourself and just remind yourself that you are of this body of creation. That is what we are: we are of it, and we are therefore in it.
In it and of it.
With it.
It is our all surrounding amniotic fluid. We breathe it in. Our very bodies are powered by it. There is no getting away from it. We cannot separate ourselves from it. And it is a choice of perception. And, the big, big, big deception is that simple: That we have been told that is not possible.

But you know how you feel when you get close to a big tree, or your favourite animal, like my pussycat just scratching on the sofa and comes and says ‘hello’ to you, you feel it. You feel it, – when your beloved says ‘hello’, you feel it. Now we can just feel it. We can feel the goodness of creation. And that’s because, (going back to the Earth chat yesterday), she has been really, really, really restricted with this overlay, this very tight-mesh holographic overlay, the thing we call ‘the matrix’, holding down her Life-force. Isolating her, literally an energy-net that was put on, so she couldn’t feel integrated into the Prime Creation. And now that she is activating, because the remembrance is allowed to come through, and she is moving up and through…. and her toroidal field is becoming far more energised, everything is shifting.It’s going to happen very quickly.

37.44 All these changes we have been longing for, are happening like dominoes. It’s actually going to be I think astonishingly fast now that I can feel it like this. Imagine this flow, toroidal flow, moving through, and you yourself are that. And what is it we are flowing? It is this Energy field of which we are made. And we are one part of this massive infinite experience. There is no separation. So anything that says there is, it’s made by something else, and that’s what we call the AI or the Nephilim, or even the Satanic.

38.33 It’s been created from a very kind of coarse material– like shackles on your wrist, it is not what you want to wear is it, you want a delicate bracelet. And now we are shaking off the shackles, but all the structures of control, the scientific nonsenses (science can be brilliant, okay, and really fun) but the nonsense kind of science has been plonked through our every media outlet. -All of that is complete nonsense. It’s just shackles, same with history, it’s all just crazy stuff, just like the law.

My darling daughter says, if you knew how much effort it takes to pass a law, you would have great respect for it, but it is all pretty nonsense. Whereas the True Law is the law of energy flow. That is where our real energy systems are. So all this other stuff, it’s like funny little games in a very kind of course structure of control which is not to do with Prime Creator. Prime Creator is a wild free thing, and this old system of control and restriction, it is going.
We know that, we have been saying it, but you can feel it.

Play around with these words that I have said. I know they sound vague. I am trying to put it into a form and I’m sure I will get better and better at describing this precision. But I think the, ‘nerve-ending within Prime Creator’ is enough to start the process of this.

It means you get crazy psychic. A friend of mine who is very crazy psychic just got spooked by me being very crazy psychic and it wasn’t an effort. She just asked a question on Facebook and I put an answer, and she went “whoah!“. So it does make you crazy psychic. or telepathic or communicative on this other level, because now you are in the flow of the energy, you are just in the realm of ideas, and you are in a body. Now that is cool! It’s very cool. This is the true Ascension: It is your full mind in your body, whooo! And the full mind is the everything of Source and you just bring little moments of it through you when you want it in the moment, through your Will, your decision, your desire mechanism switching-on, switching-off. Switching in switching through.

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“My mission, is to teach people to be their full selves. - That’s always been it, whether it’s a child, or an adult or a toad, you know- it’s always been that.”

You can message me on this page using the email box if you would like to engage in one of these sessions yourself- to expand your tools, your awareness or to re-activate something specific. I work through donation- with a minimum fee of £30 for the hours’ session and afterwards, you decide how much you would like to donate for the experience.

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