Vitamin C For Preventing Clogged Arteries

3 years ago

In this video we explore the benefits of Vitamin C for preventing clogged arteries and promoting cardiovascular health.

Vitamin C is an essential water soluble nutrient found naturally in raw vegetables, fruits, herbs and plants. The full Vitamin C complex cannot be obtained from cheap over the counter 'ascorbic acid supplements'. You must get it on a daily basis from raw foods.

Consuming lots of the natural Vitamin C complex helps to protect the arteries from oxidative damage, reducing the risk of plaque and arteriosclerosis. It also helps build collagen which helps the artery walls to remain flexible, allowing the blood to flow freely through your body.

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Benefits & Facts:

▶️ 1. Lowers Inflammation
By reducing inflammation within the artery walls, Vitamin C reduces the risk of developing plaque and narrowing of the arteries.

▶️ 2. Antioxidant Effect
Vitamin C reduces the risk of LDL cholesterol from becoming oxidised and remaining stuck o the artery walls naturally.

▶️ 3. Collagen Production
Vitamin C aids in the production of collagen for the smooth muscle that surround your arteries, helping to main elasticity so that the blood can flow freely.

▶️ 4. Prevents Blood Clots
Vitamin C also helps to prevent blood clots (thrombus) breaking off and forming an embolism that could trigger a heart attack, stroke or a pulmonary hypertension.

▶️ Causes of Deficiency
Refined foods, grains, sugars, alcohol, smoking and diuretic medications are common causes of a deficiency, as well as a reliance upon cooked food. Heat destroys Vitamin C so it's important to eat whole, raw vegetables daily.

▶️ Supplements
Avoid 'ascorbic acid' supplements as these do not contain the entire Vitamin C complex, only the outer shell. The real Vitamin C complex is made up of not only ascorbic acid, but also copper and other phytonutrients which provide the powerhouse antioxidant nutrient that it us. The best natural supplements are made from whole powdered acerola cherry, rose hips and camu camu.

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⏰ Timestamps:

00:00 - Intro
01:14 - 1. Lowers Inflammation
01:48 - 2. Antioxidant Effect
02:15 - 3. Collagen Production
02:46 - 4. Prevents Blood Clots
03:06 - Causes of Deficiency
03:50 - Supplements


#cloggedarteries #arteries #VitaminC


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Disclaimer: The materials and information contained on Ryan Taylor’s channel are provided for educational and general purposes only and therefore are no substitute for informed medical advice or care. Please consult a medical doctor to seek treatment for any illnesses or medical concerns you may have.

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