INCREDIBLE WWI in Color Restored Film from 1900s

1 year ago

The following clips are from the British Film Institute on the origin of the outbreak of world war one. The clips have been colorized, upscaled, and cleaned up for a modern restoration.

The first clip is titled, the birthplace of the great war. Sarajevo, the scene of the assasination fo the arch fule francis ferdinand, heir to the thrones of austria-hungary and his wife, the Duchess of Hohenberg on the 28th of June, 1914.

Under the pretense of righteous indignation. Austria-Hungary, backed by Germany, makes impossible demands upon Serbia as reparations for the Sarajevo crime.
The first act of the war - Austrian Headquarters staff arrive on the serbian frontier to take their disposition for the attack on Belgrade.

Ready to strike - Austria moves up her troops

A Cavalry Patrol on their way back to the headquarters with information of the enemy’s movements.

Advancing the attack over open country and in massed formation.

Belgrade bombarded. The artillery train their guns on the town.

Endure and fight. Serbia, rather than lose her independence and become a vassal of Austria-Hungary, decides to fight for her existence. To protect Belgrade, Serbian troops depart for the Frontier.

“The enemy at the gates.” Flight of the civil population from the ravages of war to safety.

This one is simply titled, under the cover of the guns.

In bold defiance of Austria, Montenegro gallantly goes to Serbia’s aid, and stakes her all in the “Fortunes of War”
“To fight the common foe” Montenefrins quickly mobilized at Scutari.

Lastly, “Ready for the fray” troops under the command of the crown prince of Montenegro leaves Scutari for the front.

A lot of restoration went into this clip. Originally shot in 1917, these clips brought into the modern world gives us some perspective into the time of the British audiences watching this in a theater.

Lastly, I'll show each original clip and the restored copy side by side so you can get an idea of the process of restoring this beauty.

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