12 Foods That Lower Blood Pressure Naturally

2 years ago

In this video we explore the top 12 foods that lower blood pressure naturally.

Over 26% of adults worldwide suffer with hypertension, also known as high blood pressure due to eating refined foods, stress and other lifestyle factors. There are often no symptoms of high blood pressure, which is why it's often referred to as "the silent killer".

For this reason, it's important to frequently eat a selection of heart friendly foods that lower blood pressure and keep it under control in order to stay healthy.

We have selected 12 of the most powerful vegetables, spices, herbs and protein sources that support the cardiovascular system by taking stress off the arteries, allowing for better blood flow throughout the body.

Eating these will help to reduce high blood pressure naturally regardless of your age, and also mitigate existing damage from an existing poor lifestyle/diet.

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Vitamin D3 & K2:

Vitamin C (Food Based):

Virgin Cod Liver Oil (for Omega-3s):


▶️ 1. Avocados
Avocados are one of the best natural sources of potassium which helps to lower blood pressure by balancing out the negative effects of salt (sodium). Potassium helps to release fluid that’s trapped in the cells putting pressure on the arteries.

▶️ 2. Beets
Nitrates within beets are converted to nitric oxide which dilates the blood vessels allowing for better blood flow. This naturally reduces high blood pressure.

▶️ 3. Peppermint
This herb contains Rosmarinic acid, a phytonutrient that calms down the nervous system to reduce stress hormones called cortisol, naturally lowering blood pressure.

▶️ 4. Wild Salmon
DHA and EPA, two essential omega-3 fats found in wild salmon lower inflammation throughout the body, including within the arteries and heart, in order to naturally stabilize blood pressure.

▶️ 5. Pumpkin Seeds
One of nature's best sources of magnesium, pumpkin seeds also contain heart friendly zinc and antioxidants which take the stress off the cardiovascular system.

▶️ 6. Bell Peppers
Get all of your daily Vitamin C from eating 1 raw bell pepper, regardless of its color. Vitamin C reduces damage to the arteries by helping to produce new collagen.

▶️ 7. Pasture Raised Eggs
Eggs contain all the building blocks of life, including the essential Vitamin K2, which helps to pull calcium plaque from the arteries and place it into the bones where it belongs. This improves arterial elasticity for better blood flow.

▶️ 8. Garlic
Allicin, the pungent compound in garlic is one of the best ingredients to reduce hypertension, reduce blood stickiness and improve the overall health of the body.

▶️ 9. Tomatoes
Cooked tomatoes, rich in lycopene have been shown to help normalize blood pressure by thinning out the blood.

▶️10. Celery
The phthalides (NBP) in celery have been to significantly relax the tissues of the artery walls, making them more flexible for normalized blood pressure.

▶️11. Bone Broth
Bone broth is often referred to as one of nature's 'cure-alls', because it contains all the amino acids needed to restore collagen around the body, including in damaged artery and blood vessel walls.

▶️12. Sauerkraut
One of the richest sources of Vitamin C on the planet, 1 cup of sauerkraut contains around 900mg, enough for your entire weekly dose. Vitamin C helps lower blood pressure by repairing damage in the circulatory system.


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⏰ Timestamps:
00:00 - Intro
01:34 - 1. Avocados
02:34 - 2. Beets
03:17 - 3. Peppermint
04:20 - 4. Salmon
05:07 - 5. Pumpkin Seeds
06:01 - 6. Bell Peppers
06:47 - 7. Eggs
07:36 - 8. Garlic
08:35 - 9. Tomatoes
09:19 - 10. Celery
10:11 - 11. Bone Broth
10:58 - 12. Sauerkraut
11:57 - Extra Tips

#bloodpressure #hypertension #hearthealth


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💚 I wish you great health, wealth and happiness.

Disclaimer: The materials and information contained on Ryan Taylor’s channel are provided for educational and general purposes only and therefore are no substitute for informed medical advice or care. Please consult a medical doctor to seek treatment for any illnesses or medical concerns you may have.

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