How To Sleep Deeply And Wake Up Refreshed & Energized

3 years ago

In this video we will uncover how to sleep deeply and wake up feeling refreshed and energized.

Getting at least 7-9 hours of sleep each night is essential for overall health, because it allows the trillions of cells in the body to rest and recover from the previous day.

A long term lack of sleep can lead to high blood pressure and a weaker immune system, leaving you open to a range of diseases and infections. Sleep deprivation can also trigger mental health disorders such as anxiety and depression.

In today's video we will uncover the 3 typical reasons you can't sleep, and how to overcome them, including high stress levels, urination at night and an overly fast heartbeat.

▶️ Top Recommended Supplements
🌿 5HTP:
🌿 Peppermint Tea:
🌿 Lavender Oil:

▶️ 1. Reduce Stress
High levels of mental stress stimulate the release of adrenal hormones called cortisol. Too much cortisol in the blood makes it very difficult to sleep and causes problems with the natural circadian rhythm/body clock. Taking long walks in nature, physical work, getting to sleep before 11pm, And turning off devices 30 minutes before bed can all help to lower cortisol. It's also important to avoid caffeinated drinks, as these stimulants will also create stress and put the nervous system into overdrive.

▶️ 2. Urination At Night
Nocturia is a common problem where you need to pee frequently through the night. This is caused by high levels of insulin in the blood. To lower insulin at night, simply stop drinking fluids and stop eating any food after 6:30pm. This will help your bladder to release any fluid before you go to bed, and take the pressure off the system. Following a low carb diet such as keto is the most effective way to overcome nocturia long term.

▶️ 3. Fast Heart Beat
If you're blood Ph. Isn't within the normal range and goes either too acidic, or too alkaline then your body has a problem with transporting minerals. Potassium and magnesium aren't utilized properly which can cause a fast heart beat that prevents you from falling asleep. Also overtraining and exercising too intensively for long periods can raise your heart beat significantly. Drinking apple cider vinegar during the day time can help to normalize the heart rate by improving the absorption of potassium and magnesium.

▶️ Extra Tips
Lavender essential oil is an effective sleep aid, it's natural compound linalool helps to relax the nervous system when inhaled. Bathing in Epsom salts is also excellent for relaxing the musculoskeletal system and helping you relax before bed. Infrared light from the sunshine can also help to activate melatonin in the brain, the sleep hormone. So it's vital that you get outside and get more sunshine if you work inside all day. Peppermint and Chamomile herbal teas are also excellent relaxants, which help to activate GABA in the brain that reduces stress and overthinking.


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⏰ Timestamps:
00:00 - Intro
01:37 - Reduce Stress
05:43 - Urination At Night
06:57 - Fast Heart Beat
09:11 - Additional Tips


#sleep #cantsleep #sleepbetter


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💚 I wish you great health, wealth and happiness.

Disclaimer: The materials and information contained on Ryan Taylor’s channel are provided for educational and general purposes only and therefore are no substitute for informed medical advice or care. Please consult a medical doctor to seek treatment for any illnesses or medical concerns you may have.

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