Sovereign Nation - you can be adopted into the tribe and what benefits it brings.

1 year ago

Find out how you can be adopted into the tribe and what benefits it brings.
Adoption by Ghungalu Pidtjara Bidtjara SN

Koordja has spent over 20 years searching for a solution to reclaim the sovereignty of his people and their land. In his appreciation of the TAP support he offered adoption to all TAP members family and friends. It is a rare honour to be offered adoption into a tribe.

Yoonthalla Yoonthalla Yoonthalla
Kooradamandarngee R.
Crown In Right
Chief Custodian
The United Kingdom of
Ghungalu Pidtjara Bidjara

If you have any questions and/or would like to accept, send your details - Legal name, D. O. B. Place of Birth, address and contact number - to

Any gift offering to help fund their cause would be greatly appreciated but this is not necessary to complete your adoption.

Munjallala Foundation
BSB: 063-097
ACC: 76616502

Welcome to The Collective Family

The Collective Purpose: To awaken people to be Sovereign Conscious Humanitarians.

The Collective End State: People have ascended to their true spiritual consciousness and are lovingly helping in the sacred rebirth of humanity.

The Collective Method: To enable a virtuous Collective that inspires people to shine through physical, mental and emotional reconnection to GOD.

Our culture is one of:

DISCLAIMER: Nothing in this video or any associated informative platforms is to be considered financial advice. Brownie, The Collective, Humanitarians United all members of the Telegram Chats and any other social medium channel are not to be considered financial advisors. All information is provided as is and for education and entertainment purposes only on Lobstr, GESARA, Conscious Leadership, humanitarian projects, ascension, healthy living, funding new technologies, inventions, and start-up companies to rebuild our world. As always, the decision to put any information, all or in part, resides with the viewer, and they are advised strongly to Do Your Own Research (DYOR). Brownie and The Collective Family are a worldwide group of Sovereign Conscious Humanitarians who all possess the desire to help and be of benefit to our planet and inhabitants to Shine.

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