Dream Screamer - Vemuram TSV808 - Pedal of the Month #3

1 year ago

Today the Tone Priest builds a clone of the Vemuram TSV808 guitar effects pedal using a PedalPCB.com Danae Overdrive circuit board. Is this the Tube Screamer of Dreamers?

One lucky Tone Priest Patreon supporter will win this pedal. Drawing will be held on November 1, 2023 at 8:30pm Eastern time.


PedalPCB.com Danae Overdrive PCB: https://www.pedalpcb.com/product/pcb505/
ElectroSmash Tube Screamer circuit analysis: https://www.electrosmash.com/tube-screamer-analysis

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0:00 - Intro
0:41 - Circuit analysis
10:21 - Passive component installation medley
14:50 - Gawkin'
16:08 - Bypass switch
18:49 - The Socketing
20:55 - Demo Time!
29:53 - Final thoughts

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This and all Tone Priest videos are for edu-tainment purposes only. Vacuum tube amplifiers can have lethal voltages in excess of 700 volts. Capacitors can retain a deadly charge even when an amplifier is turned off and unplugged. Videos are not instructional nor do they advocate anyone doing any kind of repairs on their gear. Nobody should do electrical work on anything for any reason ever. Keep your hands and belongings inside the car at all times.


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