Acts 24 2nd Missionary Journey 19.1-20 and 1 Corinthians Background

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SBC Family,

There are a couple of attachments. We're going to start in Acts 19 when Paul makes his first trip to Ephesus during his second missionary journey. It was while Paul was in Ephesus that he wrote 1 Corinthians, so we want to see what was going on at Ephesus when he wrote. If we have time we'll start into the background for 1 Corinthians.

Corinth was the San Francisco of the ancient world. It had every aspect of culture; art, entertainment, music, philosophy, religion, politics, sports, commerce, etc...The believers here struggle because they grew up in this very pagan culture and trying to break from it was a huge struggle. When you become a Christian you don't automatically unload all your pagan thinking patterns. It takes time to do that. The believers at Corinth had so many pagan ideas going on it's literally 'crazy'! Some of them were ascetics and shunned sex within marriage, others were into dualism as a tool to justify fornication, others were into liberation movements like feminism, and some were into sports rivalry type of antics, while others were into social hierarchies. It's remarkable how much this book covers, and how misunderstood a lot of it is because of failure to understand the background culture at Corinth. Frankly, it's a lot like American culture. This book should be fun and it's certainly interesting.

Grace to you,


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