19-years Girl College PD arrest underage student for drunk driving DUI [Bodycam]

11 months ago

Olivia (19, Female) was arrested on February 26, 2021 at 3:44am by Officer Frank Imparato of the University of Central Florida Police Department for Driving Under the Influence. She performs poorly on the field sobriety tests but insists that she's OK to drive. At the station, she blows a 0.142 into the breathalyzer machine. Read more about the incident in the arrest report linked here: shorturl.at/lEFK8

Olivia was previously arrested by the Orange County Sheriff's Office on October 14th, 2020 for Burglary, Battery, and Criminal Mischief. Since the recording of this arrest, she has been arrested a third time on January 6th, 2023 by the Florida Highway Patrol for Disorderly Conduct and Resisting Arrest. Footage on both the other arrests is pending and will be posted when received.

Did the officers handle this incident professionally? You judge in the comments.

Update: Olivia agreed to a DUI Diversion Contract, which involved 50 hours community service, DUI School, Victim Impact Class (MADD), 10 day vehicle impound, $500 donation to non-profit, and $260 fee to the department. Read the full contract here: shorturl.at/drKTV

In her 3rd arrest report (~1 year after the arrest in this video), the officers state they smelled alcohol from her breath and she refused to do any field sobriety tests. This is in direct violation of the DUI Diversion Contract she signed just a year earlier. Footage for this arrest should be coming soon, subscribe to not miss it. Read the arrest report here: shorturl.at/grJY8

In her 1st arrest report (~4 months before the arrest in this video), the officer stated she, "was tailgating a motorcycle," and "rear-ended a SUV then started yelling at the driver, smacking his phone (breaking it), and scratching his neck." The driver wished to press charges, but they were later dropped for unknown reasons. Unfortunately, bodycam for this will likely not be available due to agencies deleting footage after ~360 days. The report is unable to be redacted so it will not be linked here, please email me if you'd like to see it.

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