The Second Air Region and its Spirits... Jesus explains ❤️ Spiritual Earth thru Jakob Lorber 30/85

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The spiritual Earth
Chapter 30

The Second Air Region and the Spirits thereof (February 13, 1847)

1. As there exists a transition from the purely spiritual to the carnal within a human being, in like manner is there a transition between the highest and the middle region as well, and the two regions behave like soul and spirit. The spirit acts upon the soul and may penetrate it, yet the soul can never escape beyond the boundaries of the spirit, for it is here exactly to be penetrated by the spirit, while the spirit is not here to be penetrated by the soul. However, the soul may be received and assimilated by the spirit, whereby it too becomes spiritual.

2. In the same way the spirits of the second region may ascend to the third, should their souls, or, in a certain way, their substantial bodies, grow ever more spiritualized, becoming wholly one with the spirit. The soul, in and of itself, as a compendium of innumerable substantial intelligence particles, therefore too is filled to the brim with a myriad of drives and urges, which it contains within itself as specifics.

3. If, at one point or another, a certain element becomes more prominent, then all the other components incline towards the point where such an eminence, or authority, appears. Such inclination brings about a certain passion within the soul; this passion, however, may soon be exchanged for another, should some other specific intelligence particle of the soul take precedent, in a sense overpowering and outshining all others, making them inclined towards it now instead.

4. It is easy to see from this description how many a soul whose spirit yet sleeps, is driven from one pole to the other by innumerable passions and desires. However, that which is concentrated within the soul, both in a being as well as in a single point, generally occurs all the more often in the second region, for in this region dwell many souls whose spirits have not yet fully awakened. This soul possesses one drive, that soul possesses another, and many millions of other souls possess varying inclinations, drives and urges; one wants to fight, another wishes to rest; one seeks nothing but the secrets of creation, another studies botany; yet another journeys continuously throughout the world, and so every individual soul from among these millions possesses a drive wholly unique to itself and different from the others.

5. What a motley turmoil of souls must therefore congregate in this second region, and what innumerable and highly diversified phenomena must occur there. Finally, these phenomena pass over, as if condensed, into the natural world, visible, for mortal eyes to behold! And so it is. All of those ever so diverse cloud formations, as well as countless other phenomena within this middle region, originate therefrom, and no day or night could ever reproduce the exact same shape or form of any given appearance, the way it once was, and shall never be again.

6. Just take a look at the cloud formations some day and trace one of them; you may well compare all the new cloud formations coming along thereafter with the one you had traced, and you may do so every single day for a hundred years and even beyond, yet you will never again behold one that is completely alike, for it will never be the way it was! In the same way you will discover and experience many a phenomenon to come, and though they remain similar in the way they function, according to each of their natures; in shape and form, however, none of them are ever the same. No snowflake appears wholly identical to another, no raindrop is exactly the same size as another, and when it hails, compare two hailstones, and see whether or not they are completely alike to one another! In both their shape and weight you will notice a discrepancy. And though ice will indeed be ice, the manner in which it is formed is just as disparate as the passionate configurations emerging from the beings of souls. This, however, may already be perceived on the surface of this Earth, with still living people.


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