Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 10-25-23 – The Dangers of Replacement Theology: And Now Stew Peters

1 year ago

The more I interacted with folks responding to my recent Commentary about Mike Adams and Natural News with their hostility to Israel based on Replacement Theology’s (false) doctrine, that led to a lot of additional thought on my part, and the realization that I needed to take one more stab at this topic, even though I initially had no intention of doing so.

Although most of the comments to this post were quite positive, one person took me to task for engaging in “tit for tat”, i.e. encouraging back and forth discussion of these issues among believers. Names are being named and perhaps some folks don’t like that fact. When I personally do that, I try to have two or more witnesses, e.g. video evidence of someone making his position clear, or a written article outlining his stand.

For too long the church has been silent in this nation on political, cultural, and social issues. Where has that gotten us with an unbelieving world? Worse, the church has been silent about the heresies within. We’ve perhaps heard some pastors speak who weren’t preaching true Biblical doctrine, and what did we do? If anyone wrote about this or discussed it in a video, the general vague approach was to say, “there is a pastor I heard” say such and such, or “I’m aware of a certain pastor who has done” this or that. Frankly, that’s not useful to allow them to remain anonymous.

When those who are in a position of authority in the church, or those in public life who are professed Christians, go off the deep end and spout non-Biblical ideas, or declare certain “truths” that are Biblical falsehoods, or effectively curse Israel, can we really remain vague in these final days about who these people are and what they’re saying?

Today we’ll consider some deeper issues of Replacement Theology which is all too prevalent in Christendom. What are some other aspects of this position that we don’t normally think about? How does God view Israel? Can Christians take an opposing stand against Israel by supporting groups like the “Palestinians” and Hamas without consequences? What is a potential bottom-line danger for someone born-again to oppose God by effectively cursing Israel?

Please note that the transcript is available on my website blog under the post with the same title.

Gary Ritter website & blog:

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