5 Incredible Green Foods That Lower Blood Sugar

1 year ago

Here comes 5 other green foods that help stabilize post-meal blood sugar levels.

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1) Cucumbers contain a variety of anti-diabetes antioxidants, including VITAMINS C AND K, and it is also a good source of the heart-aiding minerals MAGNESIUM, MANGANESE, AND POTASSIUM. Studies have revealed that cucumber seed extract helped diabetic lab rats reduce their blood sugar levels and improve their overall glucose management.

2) Okra is rich in a variety of antioxidant micronutrients, including MAGNESIUM, which lowers the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, and has been found to enhance insulin sensitivity, plus vitamins A, C, K, along with B6, or PYRIDOXINE, and B9, or FOLATE. Studies show consuming 1000 milligram okra whole food capsules for 8 weeks can significantly decrease HbA1c levels.

3) Avocados are an excellent source of unsaturated fats, specifically OLEIC ACID. This fatty acid has been linked with reduced inflammation, increased weight loss, improved heart-health, lower cholesterol and blood pressure levels, and even a decreased risk of certain forms of cancer. A 2022 trial showed that consuming avocado for 12 weeks can lead to healthier dietary patterns and improved glucose control.

4) A 100-gram serving of green Kiwi fruit only supplies 64 calories, but a beneficial 3 grams of fiber, with just 14 grams of carbohydrates. Kiwi fruits also give you a small portion of glucose-stabilizing PROTEIN. Kiwi is rich in diabetes-fighting antioxidants, including VITAMINS C, E, AND K. Kiwis are also rich in FOLATE, COPPER, MAGNESIUM, AND POTASSIUM.

5) A 1 cup serving of edamame only contains 224 calories, with 37% of your recommended daily intake of digestion-slowing plant-based PROTEIN. Edamame beans are also loaded with a variety of antioxidant micronutrients, including CALCIUM, COPPER, FOLATE, IRON, MAGNESIUM, PHOSPHORUS, POTASSIUM, RIBOFLAVIN, THIAMINE, and VITAMIN K.

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