Misguided Freemasons Believe Sexual Violation of Children is the Secret to Immortality

1 year ago

"In our ministry, we have had to pray for literally hundreds of people who are the relatives of masons…they have been sexually assaulted by their masonic relatives, often in masonic temples. This is why the masons believe they will live forever. Every time they defile a little child, they steal some of that child’s youth. And if you notice, children who are sexually abused, do age more rapidly because their innocence has been stolen.

Where do freemasons get their promise of immortality? The secret that (Aleister) Crowley uncovered, probably through demonic intervention, is the secret that this immortality is conveyed through tantric sex magic. And the kind of sex magic we are talking about here, unfortunately, is the sexual violation of a little child.

Crowley taught that the way you can live forever, was by vampirising little children sexually. And he personally bragged of having slaughtered personally, 150 male children in one year. This is why he was called the wickedest man in the world.

I apologise that this is so horrible. But masons are doing this. Not all masons…probably one in a hundred knows about this. But this is a significant enough problem that I feel compelled to share it with you."


And it gets worse. Genuine cult survivor testimonies include horrific details of being forced by freemasons to stab other children to death.

"My father did this with me. He put a knife in my left hand, put his hands around my hand, and directed the knife into a child's body. I've lost count of how many survivors of Freemasonic abuse have told me that they've experienced the same thing since I first spoke publicly about it a few years ago. It is horrifically common.

Rachel Vaughan, South Australian cult survivor

Shaun Attwood interviews Rachel Vaughan: Daughter of Satanic Serial Child Killer – Part 1 (2020)

Stephen Knight interviews Rachel Vaughan: Daughter of Satanic Serial Child Killer – Part 2 (2023)

Other circles are of the view that all masons are required to abuse children. He’s hiding tons of information. Never ever listen to masons as they will hide more than they ever give. It is part of the path they are required to join. None are exempt in any of the secret societies including moors, eastern stars, masons, etc. this is one of their cover tactics. Make it seem they all don’t do it. No. They are required or they are killed. No in between.

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