In Case Of Mandatory Vaccines!

1 year ago

In Case Of Mandatory Vaccines!
protocol WILL neutralize any vaccine to avoid damaging the body with the toxins contains in
What to do if you are forced to receive a vaccine
For those of you in the USA, the first thing you want to remember is according to the First
Amendment, you can claim exemption from vaccines for “religious reasons”.
The First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution protects your right to worship freely; if a school
district or State violates this right, including your right to exercise religious exemption to
vaccinate, you can elect to take legal action.
My daughter-in-law’s experience helped me develop this protocol to neutralize
NOTE: Don’t take any vaccine ever! This is only if forced on you!
Let’s say you run into a situation where you, for one reason or another, find yourself
forced to take one or a series of vaccines. You might say, “How can that happen?” Well, let me
tell you a story about my daughter-in-law, Nairobis. To receive her U.S. residency and be
allowed to live in the United States with my son, Jonathan, and her children, she was told she
had to have a series of vaccines including MMR, DPT, Polio, Hepatitis A & B, Tetanus,
Chickenpox and a flu shot, before she was allowed to enter the United States. Jonathan and
Nairobis did not know at that time about “religious exemption” from vaccines but, it might not
have mattered for them anyway seeing that they were outside of the US at the time, and the
Consulates have “Home Land Security” concerns about bringing diseases into the United States,
or at least they use this excuse to insist on vaccinations. We believe the real reason is to infect
as many people as possible—to either keep them chronically sick their whole life or kill them.
This is the depopulation agenda belief promoted by Bill Gates, Ted Turner, Henry Kissinger, and
many others who want to see this accomplished and that is only 500,000,000 people maximum
living on planet earth! You can read the One World Order beliefs at the Georgia Guide Stones, a
granite monument in Elbert County, Georgia, U.S.A.
Although at the time, Jonathan didn’t have the knowledge of how to apply the “religious
exemption” to their situation, he did have MMS! The Genesis II Church and its Sacraments had
not yet been developed but they had the basic knowledge of how to use MMS hourly.
We have evidence for some time now that the 3 drops per hour for 8 hours a day neutralizes
and eliminates vaccine poisons from the body and cleans out residue contaminates. A friend of
my daughter, Joy, was pregnant in the U.S. a few years ago when she was told by her
gynecologist after a blood test that she needed an MMR vaccine before she gave birth. The fact
is, she had already taken the vaccine and had the record with her. The doctor was confused,
but she wasn’t and said nothing. The girl had been taking MMS for a few weeks and ALL toxic
evidence of those horrible vaccines were removed from her body! So, with this knowledge,
Jonathan and Nairobis reluctantly agreed that she would take the vaccines. However, they did
the following:
1. One week before the vaccine was given to Nairobis, she was taking 3 drops of activated MMS
an hour for 8 hours a day (Protocol 1000).
2. The day of the vaccine, Nairobis took 6 activated drops every 2 hours. She did this over an 8
hour period, (4 times in total).
3. After receiving the vaccine, Nairobis continued taking MMS for another week, taking 3 drops
an hour for 8 hours a day. (Protocol 1000).
Results: Nairobis had no swelling around the injection site and no adverse reaction to the
Why? It was neutralized and eliminated from the body!

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