CCP is kicking France out of Africa.

11 months ago

CCP is kicking France out of Africa. World power is shifting and Africa is a clear example.
Here are the coups d'état that have taken place in French colonies in the last three years:
Gabon - August 2023
Niger - July 2023
Burkina Faso - January 2022
Guinea - September 2021
Chad - April 2021
Mali - August 2020
加蓬 - 2023 年 8 月
尼日尔 - 2023 年 7 月
布基纳法索 - 2022 年 1 月
几内亚 - 2021 年 9 月
乍得 - 2021 年 4 月
马里 - 2020 年 8 月

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