1 year ago

The Lord has always been in complete control, and He decides who can understand the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven Matt. 13:1, as we enter into the second age of the ways of God. Christ spoke in parables because some were not called, or called yet, to understand the mysteries. So, it appears there will be no great fanfare as we enter into the second age of the ways of God with the Sword of the Spirit gradually during the twelve hours of the day Matt. 20.
For over 6,000 years, the Lord stood back, hiding His face, power, glory, majesty, Bible, and agape love so that Satan could steal our peace, sanity, prosperity, health, and lives Job; James 5:7-11, as he ruled over the kingdoms of men. Satan, the man of sin Rom. 5:12-21, the second horseman of the apocalypse Rev. 6:4, the antichrist 1 John 4:3, is pretending to be God 2 Thess. 2:3-4, claiming that Elohim is singular in number. He, the father of all liars, will claim anything, to be a messenger of light, the Holy Spirit, a lizard person, an alien on the dark side of the moon, or whatever it takes so that men wouldn't believe that Christ has all authority. He tells us we can be like God, preach like God, and give bibles and religions like God, etc. He did this so the world would be antichrist and found kicking against the pricks before the second coming of one faith from God Christianity Acts 26: 14, which begins now, in 2023, when the Sword of the Spirit identifies Satan as the man of sin and the second horseman of the apocalypse who steals our peace by convincing us that we can be like God 2 Thess. 2:3; Rev. 6:4.
Men needed to be ignorant of Christ's glory and majesty so we could fight against Him and suffer in the Kingdoms of men until the first and now the second age of Christianity which begins with the Sword of the Spirit; 1 Cor. 2:6-16; 1 Cor. 13:9-12; Eph. 6; Micah 7:15; James 5:7-11; Eph.2:7; Rev. 1:3; 5:1ff; 22:18-21, where those who the Lord calls to understand the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven Matt. 13:11, during the first 43 years of pre-Christianity and Christianity in the great fight of faith. The whole world will have an opportunity to come out of the ways of men for the 43 years Rev. 18:4; Matt. 7:21, until the Second coming of the Kingdom of God.


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