October 24, 2023

1 year ago

The GuliGuli Hiibo companion pet robot is the perfect way to stay connected with your pets while you're away! Now you can hand out treats, talk with them, play games, and find out where they are even when you're away. With its ability to roll around your home as you direct it, Hiibo makes sure that keeping in touch with your furry friends is easier than ever! It's your own personal companion pet robot!
#guligulilife #guligulipets #guligulishop #guligulihiibo

Amazon Link: amzn.to/3LvjI48, Code:GULIGULI, available: 24/10/2023-30/11/2023
Official Website:https://guligulilife.com/discount/catcrazy
Exclusive Code:catcrazy

*Please check it out!* Link to First Responder Therapy Dogs Kickstarter:

👋 And thanks for dropping by! I'm all about cats here, so if there's anything YOU'd 🫵 like me to discuss or share - hit the subscribe button and leave a comment. Meanwhile, enjoy your day being just as awesome as kitty-cats everywhere! 😻

Check Out More From CatCrazy Channel:
🛍️ Explore the CatCrazy STORE and all the goodies we offer: https://www.catcrazystore.com 🛍️

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🤩Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CatCrazyC
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🤩TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@catcrazychannel

Helpful Info for Every Cat Lover:
✨ TNR Program Los Angeles/Fixnation: https://fixnation.org/
✨ Shiloh Mobile Veterinary Hospital, Los Angeles: https://www.shilohsvet.com/​​​
✨ Cat Fanciers Association: https://cfa.org/
✨ International Cat Association: https://tica.org/
✨American Cat Fanciers Association: http://acfacat.com/
✨ Toxic and non-toxic plants for cats: https://www.aspca.org/pet-care/animal-poison-control/toxic-and-non-toxic-plants

Organizations We Support:
🐱 Mission Meow: https://missionmeow.org/🙏
You can watch more about Mission Meow here: https://youtu.be/n9ZYrPeu5TM
🐱 FixNation: https://fixnation.org/🙏
You can watch more about the TNR program and FixNation here: https://youtu.be/vjB-t3HMM7k
🐱 Community Cats Podcast: https://www.communitycatspodcast.com/🙏
🐱 Hungarian Cat Sanctuary: https://bit.ly/HungarianVelvetPaws 🙏

✏️Logo Design and Animation: Brian Vermeire, https://onebitecreative.com/
🎵 Music: Victor Alexeeff, https://VictorAlexeeff.com, https://open.spotify.com/artist/3vAnLkvd9lmBxptm6IE2pD
👚 Petra's Clothing: https://heartmycloset.me/

📧: Petra@CatCrazychannel.com

#guligulilife #guligulipets #guligulishop #guligulihiibo #Cat, #cats, #catlover, #cat, #catsofinstagram , #catsoftiktok #ILoveMyCats, #ILoveMyCat, #CatAdvice, #catsofinstagram, #CatCrazyChannel, #mycatsaroundtheworld , #DoYouLoveYourCatsAsMuchAsIDo?, #WantToLearnMoreAboutCats?, #catsarethebest, #catsarethebestpets, #catsarelife, #siamesecat, #calicocat, #blackcat #catbreeds, #meow, #feline, #catadoption, #cat, #catlover, #cats, #facts, #loveofcats, #catsofyoutube #catsofyoutube #as/#sponsored, #paid promotion

ℹ️ All opinions are 100% honest and what I believe.


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