The Era of Australian Stolen Babies: State sanctioned child trafficking

11 months ago

A mother who had her child stolen from her at birth simply because she was unwed exposes the babarity many Australian mothers suffered as part of a eugenic policy to break up biological families of those the state deemed "racially inferior". These babies were tested to see if they were "good enough" to be adopted by infertile married couples. This was part of a child abduction racket perpetrated by doctors, nurses, social workers and hospital administrators under the direction of the Australian Health Dept. It used Tavistock methods of mind control, the use of mind altering barbiturates. It was a eugenic policy based on the pseudo science coming out of Britain in the late 1800s. By the 1960s to 1970s in one year along 10,000 babies were taken from unwed mothers to supply the rabid demands of infertile couples. The Australian public was gaslit that all these mothers willingly gave away their babies to strangers totally denying the strong instict a woman has: the maternal instinct. Propaganda, gaslighting and the use of Orwellian language allowed this horror to be perpetrated on young healty Australian mothers for 100 years. Still no individual has been held accountable

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