11 months ago

Is this the Beginning of the End? Biblical prophecy coming to life in front of our eyes. Good vs it the start of World War III? Our aliens' friends are waiting for the first nuclear launch against mankind, then their presence will be made known world wide.

Is there only one Republican Party? People are stating and questioning: What shade of Red are you? Light Red = Almost Democrat / Red = RINO Republican / Deep Red = Conservative Republican. What color are you? Can we get our act together and elect a House Speaker.

Emergency Preparation! Everyone needs extra emergency supplies: Freeze Dry Foods / Solar power Radios / Bullets / Self-defense Tool / Purified Water source and two ply toilet paper. One ply toilet is like wiping your ass with your neighbor's hand.

Donald Trump is an American Human Shield. His shield is larger than Superman, remove him and the American People will be the ultimate target. Think about it, no security to Robert Kennedy, Jr, because he threatened President Biden with 16% of the national vote. The question rises out of thin air, Will President Biden go for the Steal again?

Two tier justice for America: Hunter gun charge drop and a gag order put on Trump. Democrats control DHS / CIA / FBI / Justice Department all in protecting the Bidens. Trump will not be allowed to win, stop him at all costs.

Israel is the number one target in the Middle East. The question is Why? Here is a thought, Israel is very small compared to some of the countries in the area. Ever since David demonstrated that one boy with a rock and sling could take down a giant that stood over eight feet. People knew then, they were in trouble, the fight and resolve from the Israelis people.

Elected Officials vs Precinct Chairs: Elected Officials crying over spilled milk. Precincts are dying or need to be revived, but the elected official refused to attend and build. Kiss my ring vs Kiss my ass. Vote out the whiners and put people in that see the greatness in sharing information to the constituents.

GOP vs AFP: Incumbents vs Sovereign Citizens: People are tired of the same broken promises from elected officials. GOP operatives vs Common Sense Republicans. Kissing the local elites rings instead of promoting good policies to benefit the majority. We need elected officials. Our coffins are empty...they will be progress and positive vibes back.

Hines Farm in the News again, really? This farm will never go away. JUST SELL IT BACK.

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