Ashtar/Merlin Invisibility Cloaks - How they work and when to use them!

1 year ago

Working with the energies of Commander Ashtar, Merlin and Archangel Metatron to understand the magic, responsibility and energy of Invisibility cloaks:
Looking at:
Ethics of using any form of magic, Appropriate uses eg war, violence, domestic abuse, bullying, remote viewing, astral travelling, psychic sleuthing, healing work (in certain circumstances), night time terrors and also non appropriate uses for fun or spying etc, consequences of misusing them.
Emergency use vs everyday use. Remembering to take it off. They should not be overused - in many situations other forms of spiritual protection are more appropriate eg armour of God, Archangel Michaels blue ray, crystals, mantras and self belief.
My Video on Armour of God for other scenarios is here:

Different methods of cloaking and invisibility
1) Merlin - Camouflage energy
Camouflage by Stan Ridgeway - check out the lyrics

2) Commander Ashtar:
Dematerialisation (think Star Trek) or The Zip method, or the Jack in the Box method, and why Ashtars ships use cloaking, how some see of us see them and some don't.

Q&A's - Can you put it on others, For how long, can it make you invisible to radiation, including nuclear, illness?
Where do soul lessons come into it? Does its power weaken if you don't believe? Uses on inanimate objects eg cars, houses, Which crystal can help? Titanium Aura. Power animals that teach this, and more.
@AmandaEllis #CommanderAshtar #Ashtar #Merlin #Metatron #Invisibilitycloaks
Please like and share this video! I haven't timestamped this video as in hindsight feel it all needs to be watched and it will find those who need it and respect the material within. Thank you to all my supporters I appreciate you xx

Oracle Decks used: Wisdom of the Oracle - Colette Baron Reid

Healing and Connection Sprays:
Commander Ashtar Galactic Federation, Merlin Connection and Mentorship Ascended Master Spray, Archangel Metatron Flame Attunement & Connection Spray

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