Crystal Rivers | Open Book | Oct 24, 2023

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Don't Lose Your First Love : Running the Race with Endurance

The message opened by encouraging believers to fix their gaze on Jesus, reflecting on His sacrifice, resurrection, and position on the throne. Daily prayers like those in Ephesians were recommended, as corporate prayer helps the community grow together. There were also warnings against sexual immorality and encouragement to stand for biblical truth about gender and sexuality. Potential persecution and trials were discussed, including imprisonment. Believers were urged not to fear but to endure. Spiritual pride was cautioned against - as we mature, we must stay humble and open to correction. Basic spiritual disciplines like prayer, fasting, evangelism, and believing God's Word should continue. The Ephesian church was used as a cautionary tale - despite doing good works, they lost their first love. The speaker exhorted listeners not to lose compassion for the lost. Overall, the talk aimed to strengthen believers in their walk with God through focusing on Christ, prayer, biblical values, and enduring trials.

The Crystal Rivers online meetings are an organic ministry expression of the Cave Adullam community that came as an obedient response to a clear instruction from the Lord and a desire to stay connected to each other regardless of our location on the globe. Join us as we pray, fast and dig into the word with at least one expression of the crystal sea flowing via Zoom every weekday :

Crystal Rivers | Open Book | Oct 24, 2023

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