Jen Psaki helped Hillary Clinton's State Department cover up elite pedophile

1 year ago

Jen Psaki helped Hillary Clinton's State Department cover up elite pedophile & human traffickin rings as reported by NBC themselves :

NBC News : "Hillary Clinton's State Department covered up elite pedophile rings."

Now we have Biden sending 20+ Billion of our tax dollars to Ukraine and to, "ensure the funds are being used responsibly", the funds are going through the Clinton Foundation.

So the Clinton's, who are child traffickers and satanic pedophile protectors, are in charge of our tax dollars going to Ukraine, which itself is a hotbed for child trafficking?

Meanwhile, Spirit Cooker Marina Abramovic was asked to be ambassador for Ukraine in help rebuilding schools and taking care of the children over there?

Does anyone else see what our satanic, corrupt government is doing right in front of our faces?

When this NBC video was Q'd, we had NO IDEA it would be Joe Biden running for President at the time, nor did we even know who Jen Psaki was, let alone end up having Pentagon Patty become Joe Biden's White House Press Secretary.

Dirty Clinton players up front & center trying to cover EVERYTHING up, whilst exposing themselves in the process.

I'll stitch a 2nd clip of YouTube deleting a version of this Clinton video, that was MADE BY NBC, due to - "Violating YouTube's policy on harassment & bullying."

In reality, they scrubbed this incriminating video cuz it had over 630K views & they wanted it burried from us due to the 2016 / 2020 Elections in a sad attempt to stop President Trump from running, and winning, so he can collapse the New World Order and their child trafficking operations.

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