New Evidence Shows The EU Illegally Approved The mRNA Vaccines For Covid

11 months ago

European Members of Parliament asked questions of the EMA (European Medicines Agency), revealing that the EU illegally approved the use of Covid-19 vaccinations. FVD International director John Laughland discusses the revelations with MEP Marcel de Graaff, MEP Joachim Kuhs, and Willem Engel. MEP Marcel de Graaff spoke about Pfizer's bait and switch where the experimental vaccine that was tested in clinical trial were different from the experimental vaccine that was injected to the population.

"…and the way we got to this approval is also completely messed up. And messed up in a way that really shocked me because if you approve a batch, a certain vaccine or certain medicine, then you expect that the medicine that is approved is the medicine that is applied to patients or to citizens. And if there is a difference between that, then you are basically being vaccinated with a non-approved. With something that wasn't approved. Whatever substance. So, well, that really shocked me…"

MEP Joachim Kuhs: "…there are so many things which are going really wrong on a very big scale. Therefore, it's so unbelievable what we find… it's so many things which are really stunning and stunned me.

I, as a member of the Parliament in the Committee of Budget and Budgetary Control, I was very much involved with money. It's a money issue. It went so wrong for me as a very frugal person who thinks you must pay for all things. Now they have billions of billions of euros thrown to the pharmaceutical firms about things which are not proven, which are not safe and which are safe for themselves. We cannot say it's safe."

Willem Engel exposes the DNA Contamination: "But what we see now is that it's also contaminated with DNA strands, and these DNA strands actually contain parts of other viruses, the simian-40 virus (promoters), which is associated with cancer."

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