US Sending THAAD & Patriot Anti-Missile Systems To Mid-East…82nd Airborne On 20-Min Deployment Alert

1 year ago

U.S. Government Sending Powerful THAAD Missile Systems and Patriot Air Defense Battalions to the Middle East. Pentagon sites attacks on U.S. troops as reason for move! The United States has sent a massive amount of naval power to the Middle East, including two aircraft carriers, their support ships, and about 2,000 Marines.

Washington is on red alert for activity by Iran-backed groups as tensions rise with Israel and Hamas fighting to the death. "Following detailed discussions with President (Joe) Biden on recent escalations by Iran and its proxy forces across the Middle East Region, today I directed a series of additional steps to further strengthen the Department of Defense posture in the region," Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said in a statement.

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