if you can't get to a liquor store...ALCOHOLIC TIPS *past life story time + piano punk

10 months ago

they don't want you to make art
they want to control you thru your interests
either pc shit or "conspiratorial" stuff
i want people to get the fuck off the internet that's my msg
divisiveness, control n manipulation...narcissism tactics
i wanna know who the fuck is saying this shit, too
instead of watching my channel go do sumin
the problem w/ america...once again we are hyper critical of this country cos this is OUR COUNTRY too, move over patriotism
kinda curvy over here, i wish i was too
i don't like being this skinny
pudgy ladies are adorable
i'm more attracted to a bitch that eats than one that doesn't but don't eat too much now
i like a little chub, that's just me
the chub vs the bathtub hahaha
plenty of people out there that don't have high standards so you can still get some
the battery must be running out that scratching sound
you can't smell me can you
be patient this is the process
not interesting enough, fuck it
fuck all these sounds
i'm not depressed cos of myself
that eye roll was beautiful
the man in my head is very demanding today
riding in the car w/ ag is so much fun
i can't control the bumps in the road
none of these chords are doin it for me
alright we have decided
personally i prefer really really strong coffee...that's why i am bitter but necessary
nobody wants to be awake for very long
how can you take yourself seriously when on social media?
i'm willing to help anyone
don't think about fucking me plz
don't think imma give ya my no.
it's slim pickens, we know
adam (mr.theron) is gay, he says honey a lot too
i only watch nick fuentes consistently
i have to take breaks from everything n everyone
it's not fun for me, i dunno how yawl enjoy this lot
nobody forces you to do anything you do
you always can, you have forgotten that, most people have
it's gonna get really bumpy up here
my past is relevant to your present
those clouds look really cool
funny story NOW (they usually are)
we really are tho, soooo far right we are back on the left *figuratively
the man in my head corrects me n i concede, me n the man in my head are an unconventional example of a happy married couple
i drank ALL the extracts
get chu a buncha extracts n chug em
desperate x call for desperate measures
i puked in the sink but i stopped shaking so goal accomplished damnit
everything is a choice tho
more on the context of my existence you can watch the channels featured on this one
if you look at the context of grievances n mean comments
donald trump is not an idiot
those that have issues aren't bigger picture kinda people
ewww feminist
i hate feminism so much so it's funny that people think this
advertisements can't tell me what to do
pretend you have masculinity that would be nice
imma freak but i don't identify as such haha
it's just weird that women shave if they don't have to
behaviors n perspective based on social conditioning
you're american so i don't expect much
the parents gave em the phones so...
unaware of the world your kids are living in
the obvious elephant in the room
until you're willing to have that conversation...
the phone problem @ the workplace
mgmt can't do shit bout it cos they're on their phones too so...
everyone goes quiet cos they know i'm right but they won't do nothin
this medium ain't good for society
only ag can be ag

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