The Role of Pornography in the Normalization of Pedophilia and Satanism in Society

1 year ago

The Role of Pornography in the Normalization of Pedophilia and Satanism in Society
Feb 26, 2023 | TRUTH WARRIORS

Max and Jaymee discuss pornography and how the Satanic elite want to create a society where their perversion of the innocence of children is openly practiced and accepted. The duo examine how the destruction of the family, the economy and other deliberate programs have groomed society into the normalization of pedophilia. The current sexualization of children in schools, modeling and art create a numbing effect and pave the way to a reversal of reality where child abuse, rape and harvesting are normalized and accepted. They also explore the perversion of healthy attachment and the existential loneliness that these Satanic inversions have created for people in relationships.

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