Oh Platty, you got the game all the way F$cked Up.

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Idk who the living fuck you think your talking to. I don't know who any of you think you tal;king to, but, hey, here I fucking Go! you Mustard Biscuit eating, Large Barge Marge, never will be in charge, of this one right here. Imma dumb your ass down, where I shoulda dum,bed your ass down, 3 months ago. Skallywag. Idgaf if you roll away with your man handed asses, for real. You got me Fuckled up out here, I was trolling you, in that email, you drunker than me, never sober, , foul smelling, lot lizard, eating toddlers , looking ass, bitch. Take a entire pew to sit your bald headed, big assed, big boned, bad built ass down somewhere, ya deseperate, lonely, finger in your fish, mullet smelling , newport smelling, cheap whiskey smelling, skunk ass, platty footed , heifer. You got the right one today bitches. bring your stupid asses here, ya phonics need, illeriate, fucktards.

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