Rev. Moon's spirit in Hungnam's Communist death camp prison

11 months ago

The bombing of Hungnam Communist prison camp by B-29s
On August 1, 1950, a heavy bombing attack was carried out with B-29 bombers on the Hungnam fertilizer factory. Not only did I foresee this attack but I also knew and explained to those close to me that God would protect anyone who stayed within twelve meters of me. I was meditating calmly amidst all of the heavy bombing. It did not bother me at all. I was concentrated on the ideal world that awaited us in the future. I knew that for God, sending a person with a providential mission like mine to the spirit world at that point would amount to a loss of cosmic proportions. God was willing to pay any price to protect me. In fact, He had no other choice.
Such were my thoughts while those around me were worried and their facial expressions got ever tighter. In the midst of explosions ripping through the Hungnam factory, people were shouting that they were going to die. I that situation. Oh well... Death did not concern me at all.

Original Sunday service video:

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