Why a Western Mindset CAN’T UNDERSTAND the Israel-Palestine Conflict | Ep 884

1 year ago

The conflict in the Middle East continues to get worse as more evidence of the war crimes committed by Hamas is released. Reports indicate the terrorist group is drugging its soldiers up with Captagon, also known as “the poor man’s cocaine.” If you were wondering how some of these atrocities were carried out, look no further than amphetamine-induced rage. Even worse, federal officials are concerned that members of Hamas and Hezbollah are infiltrating the United States through the southern border. The enemy is already here, whether our officials want to admit it or not. North Korea is deploying thousands of IT freelancers with fake IDs to work U.S. jobs to fund its weapons systems. Who exactly is vetting these individuals, and why are we unable to do a better job? A report from the Federalist details European travel limitations that are clearly intended to immobilize the masses. It’s not about climate change; it’s about controlling the populace. On his show, Bill Maher correctly pointed out that “higher education has become indoctrination,” and after the pro-Palestine madness on campuses the last few weeks, he’s clearly right. Our education system has been corrupted from the inside out, and the only way to save the next generation is to keep college campuses out of it. Fans walked out of a Dave Chappelle show in Boston on Thursday after the comedian criticized Israel’s bombing of Gaza. While Chappelle is likely coming at this in good faith, he fails to recognize that this conflict cannot be understood with a western mindset. The people in the Middle East, particularly Muslims, do not view the world the same way you and I do. We’re joined by Carmine Sabia, journalist and editor, to get his take on Trump’s chances to retake the White House and a potential Byron Donalds bid for speaker of the House.

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About Chad Prather:

Chad Prather is known for his way with words. He is a comedian, armchair philosopher, musician, and observational humorist. Often called “the modern day Will Rogers” and “the voice of the everyman,” Chad brings you his armchair philosophy and observational humor four times a week. Politics, inspiration, comedy, and fun — nothing is off limits on The Chad Prather Show!

Some of Prather’s most popular videos are shot in the front seat of his truck as he delivers his fast talking, rabid fire rants.
CNN has labeled him the “Pick-up Pundit” and Fox News’ Tucker Carlson has called Prather, “supernaturally articulate.”
Prather has mad numerous appearances on Fox News, CNN, A&E, MSN. He is the host of BlazeTV’s “The Chad Prather Show” and “Humor Me with Chad Prather.” His wildly successful 2016 “Kings of Cowtown Comedy: was a hit and his current “Star Spangled Banter Comedy Tour” is selling out theaters all over America.

Chad’s guests include: Phil Robertson, Glenn Beck, Jon Miller, Elizabeth Johnston, Jeff Kyle, Jason Piccolo, Matt Kibbe, Sara Gonzales, Mark Maxwell, Mike Stewart, Jennifer Nickerson, David Harris Jr., Mike Ritland, Heath Oakes, Kendall Jones, Rob Redwine, Trey Chapman, Katie Thulin, and many more!

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