MEP Clare Daly on Gaza Genocide - 23 Oct 2023

1 year ago

But never once do any of these anti war activist politicians ever quickly destroy the arguments for the war - they never say that it was completely provoked by billions of US dollars and weapons given to violent right wing groups who used that American cash and weapons to kill tens of thousands of Russians these past ten years, they never mention that. So the Jew narrative "the Russian Invasion was completely unprovoked" still comes out of the lips of those lying Jew controlled rats called politicians and by extention on teh pea brained minds of those too dumbed down to take the time to understand that everything they are being told is a lie.

Never once do these activists the tell the Victoria Nuland "Fuck the Europeans" story, Never once do thay inform whoever may be listening that contrary to the Mainstream lie that we are winning that war - in fact we are losing badly. They never mention that.

- Harry Vox (Telegram Channel)

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