What About The Jew?-NOW THE END BEGINS-OCT 22 2023

1 year ago

What I am asking you today is not a trick question, it is a sincere one, but it has been a question that has snared a lot of people over quite a few millennia. In the end of the 19th century and well into the 20th, a debate raged in Europe over what they called the 'Jewish question' which was nothing more than overt antisemitism disguised as intellectual discussion. Adolf Hitler took a shot at answering this question, so did Henry Ford and a whole lot of other people. Christian, today we will shall see how well you answer this most important question. The Jew has outlasted and survived their enemies in ancient Egypt, the Philistines, the Assyrian, Babylonian, Persian, Greek, Roman and Byzantine empires, the Roman Catholic Crusaders, the Spanish empires, Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union. Not only that, in the last world war that was fought over the Jews and the 'Jewish Question', it resulted in the establishment of a Jewish homeland on the exact spot they were driven out from 1,878 years earlier. As you read this article today, the Jew and the 'Jewish Question' is once again the main topic of conversation on the global stage as nations chose sides in the war between Israel and Hamas. On this Sunday Service, I would like to show you how your King James Bible answers the Jewish question, and what our apostle Paul says about what type of relationship we as born again Christians should be in with them.

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