The BEST 12 Vitamins for Diabetes

2 years ago

In this video we explore the best 12 vitamins for diabetes and insulin resistance.

Diabetics are at high risk of nerve damage, problems with the eyes, heart and kidneys, so it's very important to know what kind of nutrients are needed to protect the body against these complications.

In this video we explore some of the most ignored vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that help diabetic patients to reduce pain, neuropathy, and inflammation.

We include nutrients like potassium, magnesium, omega 3-s, vitamin B1 amongst many others. Some of these are available as supplements, whilst others are present in certain vegetables, meats, and natural foods.

▶️ Top Recommended Supplements

🌿 Benfotiamine (B1):
🌿 Chromium:
🌿 Nutritional Yeast (B-Vitamins):
🌿 Vitamin D3&K2:
🌿 Apple Cider Vinegar:
🌿 Cod Liver Oil (Omega 3-s):


▶️ 00:00 Intro

▶️ 00:46 Diabetes
Diabetes is a condition where your body struggles to regulate the amount of sugar in your blood due to insulin resistance. This can cause damage to different parts of the body, particularly the eyes, brain, liver and kidneys.

▶️ 01:40 - 1. Potassium:
Potassium is the most important mineral to aid in controlling blood sugars, by stimulating the release of insulin and helping the cells to accept fuel.

▶️ 02:24 - 2. Vitamin B1
Benfotiamine has been sown to help 70% of diabetic patients improve symptoms of nerve damage and neuropathy, such as tingling and burning in the feet and hands.

▶️ 03:20 - 3. Chromium
This trace mineral makes insulin more sensitive, in turn helping to prevent oxidative damage and control blood sugars.

▶️ 04:14 - 4. Omega 3-s
DHA and EPA, the two primary omega-3s are used as raw material for neural networks and help to protect the body against high blood sugar damage. Omega-3s are anti-inflammatory and help support the pancreas.

▶️ 05:14 - 5. Vitamin D
Vitamin D naturally reduces stress and cortisol, two of the primary factors involved with insulin resistance and diabetes. 10,000IUS of D3 with 100mcg of K2 is a supplemental dose.

▶️ 06:16 - 6. CoQ10
The body uses CoQ10 to protect the mitochondria (energy factories) inside the cells from damage. Ubiquinol is the best form to help reverse cellular damage from high insulin and glucose.

▶️ 07:11 - 7. B-Vitamins
The B-Vitamin Complex helps to protect against diabetic neuropathy and nerve damage by strengthening the outer coating of the nerves (myelin sheathe).

▶️ 07:51 - 8. Soluble Fiber
Soluble fiber is a prebiotic, which feeds the friendly microbes in the gut. These microbes then release butyrate and ketones which heal cellular damage, and help naturally keep blood sugars under control.

▶️ 08:46 - 9. Acetic Acid
Acetic acid found in apple cider vinegar helps with the digestion of carbohydrates, proteins and fats for better assimilation of nutrients. It's also been shown to slow the rate that blood sugars are created, helping to prevent diabetic hyperglycemia.

▶️ 09:22 - 10. Zinc
Zinc chelate can be used to top up those who are deficient. Zinc helps to protect the retina and the eyes from nerve damage caused by high blood sugars and high insulin.

▶️ 10:01 - 11. Magnesium
Those who are deficient in magnesium may begin to develop problems with muscle contraction, and insulin resistance. Magnesium helps to prevent hypertension in the arteries and fight off pain, inflammation and swelling.

▶️ 10:46 - 12. Curcumin
Last but not least, curcumin a potent anti-inflammatory compound found inside the golden colored spice, turmeric, has been shown to naturally reduce pain and inflammation. It's also been shown to help regrow beta cells in the pancreas, for the normal production of insulin.


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💚 I wish you great health, wealth and happiness.

Disclaimer: The materials and information contained on Ryan Taylor’s channel are provided for educational and general purposes only and therefore are no substitute for informed medical advice or care. Please consult a medical doctor to seek treatment for any illnesses or medical concerns you may have.

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