African Visas to Visit Nicaragua When You Don't Have an Embassy | Cairo & Dakar | How to Request

1 year ago

If you are from #Africa, #Asia or any region that does not have access to a Nicaraguan Embassy but you need a visa for travel or tourism to #Nicaragua you will be required to first travel to a country like Egypt or Senegal, or some place that has an assigned embassy. There is no short cut, no bypass to this process. You must do this. You cannot ask for a reference, you cannot send someone else, you can't ask someone in Nicaragua to do this for you. You must appear in person. At this time I can only verify Cairo, Egypt as an option.

I am regularly asked if I will provide these services or some means of allowing Africans specifically to bypass going to the embassy in person. First of all, that's not an option ever. You are required to appear in your own person. Second, I am a tourist in Nicaragua and have no access to Nicaraguan resources more than you do.

This applies far beyond Africa, but Africa specifically has very few options and it is the only region from which I get these questions. But I get them a lot.

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