Adorable Kitten Suckles Milk From Bottle

7 years ago

This owner is just too enthusiastic to let this priceless moment slip away. Cat-persons would agree how adorable is to watch kittens being fed with bottle. This tiny kitten is drinking from his bottle, while being wrapped in a cozy pink blanket, and that brings on the charm. This video will make you want to snuggle up next to this little guy!

Is there anything cuter than a baby animal? Yes, a baby animal drinking milk from a bottle. This baby kitten knows how to use his bottle, and makes adorable suckling noises as he hands on to the bottle, just in case it slips away.

This cute little princess is comfortable lying on its back and enjoying her warm beverage. She is being fed with a bottle and wrapped like burrito in a cozy blanket.

Sometimes baby animals can’t drink from their mothers for whatever reason, and these little orphans must rely on the help of caring humans and adorable baby bottles to get the nutrients that they need.

If you find yourself in this situation, you should allow the kitten to suckle at his own pace. If a kitten refuses to suckle, try stroking the kitten’s back or gently rubbing her on her forehead. This stroking is similar to momma cat’s cleaning and it may stimulate the kitten to nurse.

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