26 Years Later... THE TRUTH Behind "The Porygon Episode" - Pokemon Trivia

1 year ago

The Electric Soldier Porygon Episode, also known as "The Pokemon Shock Incident," has become one of the most infamous pieces of Pokemon Trivia. The only original Pokemon Anime Episode to feature Porygon accidentally sent hundreds of Japanese kids to the hospital with epilepsy symptoms. Over the years the story behind the Porygon anime episode has gained creepypasta elements to spice it up even more. Dogasu's Backpack did some Pokemon Mythbusting to clean up some of the rumors that have stuck about the Pokemon Shock Incident / Electric Soldier Porygon Pokemon episode.

Pokemon Trivia and Theory Playlist! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMMSpLODYMfvIDbKB1otGA9zVDMA769fV

How BAD Was Mega Lucario ACTUALLY?! The Unbelievable Truth About Smogon Bans! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7fwHm3sOguw

POKETUBERS REACT TO POKEMON WORLDS CHEATING https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l9FBph1kOok

Electric Soldier Porygon Rumor Guide https://dogasu.bulbagarden.net/features/pokemon_shock/rumors.html
Dogasu's Backpack Twitter 4Kids Porygon Episode Dub https://twitter.com/DogasusBackpack/status/1709136230645191061

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