{Jesus}, Muhammad, Moses were Spokesmen of Yah {Prophets} [AUDIBLE]

1 year ago

The Almighty's turnaround Spokesmen Emissaries{Prophets, Apostles} who were set out to restore His Truths include Nuh{noah}, Abraham, Moshe{moses}, Yahooshua{jesus}, Muhammad, and Martin Luther.

Our Creator's true Name is not Jehovah or Allah, Yahovih, Yehovah, Ellah, Eloah, Elohim, Hashem, no. Taking His Name in vain is having/using Y..hoo! email address or using j-a-h for HalleluYah(Praise be to Yah), or using j-a for 'yes'

The earth is spiritually ruled by His fallen Messenger who does NOT want humans to know/use our Creator's Name, which means many humans are systematically programmed to dislike our Creator through man-made Religions and their Books.
[ www.eti-ministries.org/why-believe ]
To "come to the Father"/become reborn- [ www.eti-ministries.org/essenence-cleansing-and-deliverance ]
Valid Prayers to pray to out Creator that enable Him to move on earth - [ www.eti-ministries.org/prayer/important-prayers ] and [ www.eti-ministries.org/prayer/most-important-prayers ]

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