GEFNFL Week 6 10/20/2023 Game Review

11 months ago

GEFNFL Week 6, 10-20-2023 Game Review

Hey everyone, here is our week 6 game review. After getting rained out week 5 and taking a bye week, this turned out to be a great night for football!!

Sun was out when we got started, dropping into 40's by the end of the game. This ended up messing up our camera a little after halftime, so had to switch to using a phone instead. We had enough players to play our more normal sized game with a 6 vs 6 matchup.

Red Team started with the ball. Quickly getting picked off by Blue Teams rookie Jose Fonseca, but then gets picked off again on Blue Teams first offensive play by Nick Tehan playing for Red Team. Setting up Red teams first touchdown drive of the game with a couple passes by Jeremy Bartlett, eventually finding Alex Schott for their first touchdown of the game.

Blue Teams tries to get something going on their next drive but gets sacked on a fourth downplay by Blue Teams defense. This puts Red Team in great field position to score their next Touchdown, with a nice shuffle pass from Nick Tehan to Todd Polczynski.

Blue Team was determined to score on their next drive, with a couple good rushing plays and quick passes made by Paul Van Schaick. Despite the fact that Red Team was having fun masking their defense on this drive. He manages to find Tyler Jones in the middle of the back of the endzone for Blue Teams first touchdown of the game.

On Red Teams next drive, they manage to drive back down and score again with one a couple good rushing a passing play done by rookie Zach Kraemer finding Tony Stornilo for Red Teams third touchdown.

Blue Team gets pinned down at the 2-yard line on the next kick off, and Upon Further Review:

By looking at the video frame by frame, there at 1/30 of a second, there is one frame that shows Zach Kraemer tackled the Blue QB in the endzone. We can’t rearrange the game at this point, but we can give him the stat and Red 1/3 of a point for the safety.

Red Teams defense manages to stop them before reaching the first down marker, giving them great field position to tack on another touchdown drive by Alex Schott, with a couple good passes and finding Jeremy Bartlett for their fourth touchdown!

Blue Teams next drive makes it all the way back down the field but gets stopped on a fourth downplay. There may be a missing drive at this point because we had camera issues and had to switch to using a phone instead. So not exactly sure if there was a touchdown missed during this point in the game, because Red Team manages to get back down to Blue Teams 10-yard line but gets picked off by Omar Orozco in the endzone.

This drive Blue Team makes a couple really good plays and scores their second touchdown of the game with a pass from Kyle Kapple to Omar Orozco. Red Team then starts to drive back down the field and with a long bomb of a pass from Jeremy Bartlett to Nick Tehan Red scores another touchdown!

Blue Team tries to get strike back on their next drive, but Rookie Zach Kraemer picks off the pass at Red’s own 10-yard line. Starting up field for about 3 yards he pitches back to Nick Tehan who snakes up field to about Blue’s 20 yard. As Blue closes in on Nick to prevent the touchdown, Nick pitches back again to Zach who had shadowed him down field. Zach finishes the last 15-20 yard of the 90 yard run back to the endzone for the touchdown. So, the stats on this will be Zach Kraemer with an Interception for a Touchdown.

Blue Team puts together another good drive but stalls once again at about Reds 15-yard line. Red Team then puts together another good drive and putting up another great drive and touchdown pass from Nick Tehan to Todd Polczynski.

Blue Team determined to score on their next drive puts together a solid drive and deep touchdown pass from Rookie Jose Fonseca to Tyler Jones.

At this point we had gone down to 5 vs 5 for Reds last drive of the game. Ending the game with a big touchdown pass from Tony Stornilo to Nick Tehan that got tipped of the defenders' hands and into his!

Final Score

Red - 9 TDs, 2 Ints, 2 Sacks, 1 Safety

Blue - 3 TDs, 2 Ints,

Both Team played well, but Red Team defiantly dominated the game this week. Was another fun night of Friday night Football!

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