Adorable Baby Goats Find Jumping To Be Their Favorite Pastime

7 years ago

Baby animals are cute, but there is nothing more adorable than baby goats. They are the most lovable souls with attitude and their stubbornness is only cute while they are young, so we leave them at it.

Millie and Mocha are only a week old, but they're already full of energy. They try to scale anything they can find, they jump in the air and they chase each other through the yard and over obstacles.It’s like they carry a steam engine on their tiny tails and they can not and will not be stopped.

Goats are some of the most entertaining animals you will find. They climb everything, eat everything and will get into mischief at any opportunity. Even the sounds they make are funny. They spend their day running at full speed, stopping to nurse milk from their mother, or to have a little nap and recharge. And boy, do they recharge fast!

Their mother, Hazel watches and keeps a protective eye on them as they explore or as they sleep. Looking after baby goats is a full time job and Hazel is as busy as a mother can be. These two little rockets may cause her anxiety attacks all day long, but at the end of the day, having them sleeping by her side is worth it all.

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