Excerpts: Darwin's specimen collecting aboard the Beagle

1 year ago

Robert FitzRoy was the Captain of the Beagle, due to set out on an important voyage to test the latest Navy Chronometer and accurately locate the longitude of important ports around the globe. Prone to chronic depression, he put out a request for a suitably qualified gentleman to come along and keep him company during the long and arduous voyage. A restless young Charles Darwin was invited to join him and the rest is history. The collection of bio-geological specimens was a welcome intellectual distraction for both crew and passengers, and was quite the team effort. Darwin's later failure to acknowledge the contribution of FitzRoy and his crew in both the tasks of collecting as well as formulating his theories sewed the seeds for later animosity towards him. This short excerpt looks at some of this controversy, but you can view the entire video on the enigmatic figure of FitzRoy here: https://youtu.be/rcqce8Se5Io
#darwin #charlesdarwin #robertfitzroy #fitzroy #beagle #evolution

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