SIEGE of Brest-Litowsk and the FAUSTIAN attack on the Soviet Union - Soldiers of Barbarossa Nr. 11

1 year ago

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Episode 177

Soldiers of Barbarossa
Pg 24
22.6.41 Leutnant Heinz Doll, 18. PzD, PzG 2, AGC

At exactly 0310 on 22 June 1941 we were ready to fire. Somewhat restively I followed the minute and second hands of my watch until the firing order came.

At 0315 a lightning bolt of gigantic dimensions tore through the night. Thousands of artillery pieces shattered the silence. I will never forget those seconds. But just what they signified for the world, for Germany - that was beyond comprehension…

The artillerymen told me about an unbelievable experience. At our crossing point, they said, tanks dived into the Bug river like U-boots and then reappeared on the east bank. Must be pretty strong tobacco they’re smoking I thought to myself, but it was true.

Soldiers of Barbarossa
Pg 24
22.6.1941 Walther Loos, 45th ID, PzG2, AGC

It seemed that a curtain over the terrors of the underwood rose above our heads. At first we were still hearing the discharges, the thunder and howling of wailing shells passing overhead, streaking in death-dealing trajectories toward the opposite bank from hundreds of barrels ranging from the smallest to the largest caliber. Involuntarily ducking our heads, we were almost forgetting to breathe. However, a second later the artillery fire of a different heavy gun gathered such a deafening and breathtaking strength like I never experienced later. Even those participants in the First World War among us later acknowledged that at that time, they had never experienced fire of such concentrated power. The sky turned red, and even though it was night, it became as light as day. Large trees fringing the Bug swayed wildly and were torn to pieces as if from an invisible force by the atmospheric pressure of the passing shells.

Soldiers of Barbarossa
Pg 30
22.6.41 Unknown Soldier 45. ID, PzG 2, AGC

The storming of the fortress of Brest-Litovsk… Already in the morning the way to the East is fee for our panzers, but the most difficult fighting for the fortress goes on.

The battles on the islands extremely difficult. Complex terrain: groups of houses, clusters of trees, bushes, narrow strips of water, plus the ruins, and the enemy is everywhere. His snipers are excellently camouflaged in the trees. Camouflage suits made of gauze with leaves attached to them. Superb snipers! Shooting from hatches in the ground, basement windows, sewage pipes…

First impression: the Bolshevik fights to his very last breath. Perhaps because of the threat of the commissars: those who fall into German captivity are shot. (According to statements by the first prisoners.) At any rate there is no slackening of fighting power, even though resistance is futile since the citadel is surrounded. The night is silent and w e dig the first graves.

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