FLASHBACK: NEVER FORGET. DeathJab VaxInjury Stories & Recent Testimonies.

1 year ago

Sharing the story of CODY FLINT, airline pilot.

Reposting a COVID vaccine injury story to help everyone remember what they did to us and how no one in the government or MSM gave a damn, so that way we can view any current events in the proper broader context, especially when the same governments and MSM corporations try to virtue signal and weaponize their supposed "moral outrage" to spread propaganda that will only result in more death and suffering of innocent people.

Today I'm bringing the story of Cody Flint, who is an airline pilot in his 30s that got injured by the Pfizer vaccine. Before the vaccine, he was in perfect health with no other conditions.

After his first dose of Pfizer, within 30 minutes he developed a severe stabbing headache that became a burning sensation on the back of his neck. 2 days later while flying, he started developing tunnel vision and worsening headache before he felt a "burst of pressure" in his ears. He then started blacking out, feeling nauseous, dizzy, and shaking uncontrollably. He was able to land the plane somehow but does not remember how.

After going to the hospital, he was diagnosed with left and right perilymphatic fistulas, eustachian tube dysfunction, and elevated intracranial pressure due to brain swelling. His condition continued to get worse, and his doctors admitted the only 2 things that could have caused this damage was the COVID vaccine or head trauma, so it was obviously the vaccine.

Since the vaccine injury, he's had repeated surgeries, spinal taps, and other treatments trying to regain his life and health, but continues to struggle with his health issues and might never be able to continue his career as a pilot ever again. His life was destroyed and he is now trapped in a sick body suffering.

His story is one of millions, with many many more that we will never hear again because the vaccine killed them or they were systematically censored off of all social media for sharing their story.

mRNA vaccines are a bioweapon of mass destruction, Moderna and Pfizer are criminal corporations that should be dissolved and destroyed, and all the pundits, influencers, executives, and government officials responsible for creating, approving, advertising, and mandating the vaccines, should be put in prison for crimes against humanity, and every dime they've made from selling or promoting the vaccine should be taken from them and given back to those injured or killed like Cody and their families.

All those complicit must pay the price.


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