Wake up! It's time you remember who you are.

11 months ago

Who's Story do you believe? Doesn't it seem that whenever a there's a great invention, the inventor strangely dies, or there's somehow a fire that burned a very old and majestic building we are incapable of today?

For some reason, nobody can remember, or aspire to the heights of the recent past.
Maybe it's the chemicals mixed in with their gender fluids from food, water, air, radiation, GMO mosquitos, so it's not all their fault, those cities are rough places, and I consider them hostages who are being abused, and have learned to love it. They have the most depressing-looking buildings, and it must feel like an open-air prison, with newly imported inmates. Don't drop the soap!

And who keeps burning things down? I think we all know, most people are too blind, or too afraid to say.

There are two privileged class in Western Nations, and it probable has a lot to do the the Black-Jewish Royal Family and Kang Charles, who funded black militant groups through the World Wildlife Fund) to destabalize African countries to lay claim to the resources. They do it in the name of France, and the Tribe of Rueben take the blame for what the Jew did, because they forgot who they are.

1) Jews

2) Blacks

You have the Judeo-Christians supporting the House of Esau Jews, and you have the brainwashed Lost Sheep White Liberals that mix blood and worship the blacks.

Jewish Kalergi Golem Invasion Plan Active In France!

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