The Number One Reason to LEAVE THE USA RIGHT NOW? hint: it's a money thing...

3 years ago

Crazy inflation and the dropped spending power of the dollar at home means America sucks is a great reason to leave the USA as a survival strategy in this time of financial crisis. For many, the cost of eggs and milk, gasoline, and energy being on the rise is enough to put them on the brink. I may have a solution fro you. Did you know that the cost of living in Mexico is much lower than in the United States? That's why moving south and living in Mexico is a great idea this year. Go save your self some money during inflation by living in better weather and nicer culture. Protect yourself against inflation, leave the United States when it's at its worst, and go live in Mexico. Of course this isn't a one-size-fits-all solution nor is it the only way to protect your assets against inflation, but it could help.

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