The Lynching of a Guilty Man Part 21 By The Nation of Islam

1 year ago
Viral Education secret relationship black jews nation of islam historical research group american mercury philip saint raymond racial controersial washington hollywood new york mary phagan newt lee leo frank anti-defamation league lynching headline atlanta georgia newspaper suspicion racism black man newt lee night watchman National Pencil Company Mary Phagan skullduggery crime innocent man evidence plant Vanessa Neubauer James Conley Mary Phagan factory sweeper audio segment supreme court united states leo frank case fourth segment jim conley notes discovered watchman credit alerting investigators subject body corpose illiteracy testimony detectives discovery audio book leo frank case lynching of a guilty man lynching guilty man factory sweeper telling truth liar murderer rapist sex criminal sexual crime Luther Rosser Jim Conley jim conley james cross-examinations attorney Pinkerton detecitve priavet Harry Scott illicit sexual escapades young girls information injurious police lead attorney negro crime president atlanta b'nai b'rith lead attorney luther z rosser reuben arnold frank defense team 1913 version race card sexual behavior separate category negro testimony race-baiting strategy statement Georgia law american mercury statement Hugh Dorsey hugh dorsey long history friendly relations close collaboration jews life career pro-Frank partrisans accusation indictment prosecution anti-Semitism audio segment Jew-haters rifles stood window sills trial trial participants daily newspapers constitution journal georgian jewish editors leo frank atlanta journal pro-Frank writers shareholders investigative research hang the jew hoax anti-semitic mobs courtroom Atlanta murder trial Leo Frank anti-Jewish rhetoric populist writer inflammatory speech incompetence deception american media educational cultural establishment effort prosecutor coached hugh dorsey witness stand james conley story collusion conspiracy coaching guilty allegattion section untenable claim fiction Emma Clark emma clark corinthia hall character attacks major witness tried grand wizard ku klux klan defenders black man race-baiting racial attacks epithets advertising jewish executive Albert Lasker "fake news" allies media new york times New York Times William J. burns lionize crooked detective propaganda numerous outrageous obvious egregious main witnesses attempt inmate poison criminal acts attempted new trial client invalidate results original trial burns detective agency hired leo frank legal team find new evidence witnesses testimony convicted fake evidence plant scandalous behavior Georgians convincing ground-breaking work mob atmosphere trial partisan allegation Prosecutor Dorsey gentile dog open court consequences provocation retaliation jewish businessmen Atlanta advertise sell prosper governor Slaton jewish businessmen sell prosper outburst Jewish community special precautions ground-breaking work culpability Establishment establishment mob popular literature promotes lynched narrative leading citizens community leaders superior court judges Superior Court forces launched massive public relations campaign portraying flagship Knights of Mary Phagan desire position victims Klan public mind collaborators Black people accurately historic relationship jewish community angelic innocent persecution inevitable revelations hands leadership obtain disaster jewish interests albert lasker Albert Lasker advertise advertisement advertising agency wizard kingpin PR public relations campaign effotrts impressed pervert sexual singular instance solitary jew black men lynched South insubstantial unstoppable accusations wild talk pay dispute throughout century single case jew Jew lynched being lion share publicity many hundreds black lynching victims next nonegreat deal run media real power dynamics today's america America USA verbally threatening abusing physically prosecution sweated black witnesses third degree meant physically verbally abusing severe fear truth pivotal trial Leo Max frank regarded prosecution defense little-heralded horribly black witnesses verbally threatening abusing received treatment police detectives prosecutor's office partisons part strove mightily frame two Black men Newt Lee planted hired perjury solicited murder testimony Frank important case mysterious aspects Leo Frank death notes testimony discoered right next dead body Frank's victim Mary Phagan face value written assaulted approximation African-American vernacular time semi-literate style extremely unlikely killer hopelessly bothced attempt throw investigators off trail created clever killer make us think murderer Black man perhaps dictated killer compliant Black man write impose genuine style handwriting them death notes mystery mysterious endless speculation written James Conley direction convicted killer Leo Frank Conley's creation alone purpose-written Frank Conley's writing guide order throw suspicion away real killer Black man

The Leo Frank Case: The Lynching of a Guilty Man, Part Twenty-One

The "death notes" left beside Mary Phagan's body after her murder in 1913 have been a subject of speculation. Some believe they were written by James Conley, directed by Mary's convicted killer, Leo Frank, or purposefully written by Frank to shift suspicion onto a Black man. In the twenty-first audio segment of The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews, experts discuss the handwriting experts' opinions on the notes and how the historical record has been distorted by Leo Frank partisans, such as author Steve Oney.

Based on the Nation of Islam book The Leo Frank Case: Lynching a Guilty Man, this new audiobook takes you on a journey back in time with the best investigation into the case of Leo Frank, the greatest American in 100 years. All-Time Murder Mysteries; It is a mystery that reveals hidden forces that still shape our world today.

We at The American Mercury are now proud to present part 21 of our audio version of this very important book, read by Vanessa Neubauer.

Simply press “play” on the player embedded above — or at the end of this article — to hear part 21 of the book.

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Click here to obtain a print or e-book copy of this important work, The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews, Vol. 3; The Leo Frank Case: The Lynching of a Guilty Man.

For further information on the Nation of Islam Historical Research Group, readers are encouraged to visit their Web site,

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