Tattoo Medicine Virtual Tattoo Gathering 2021

1 year ago

The 2021 Virtual Interior Tattoo Gathering was held on May 8th, 2021.
Each of the presenters were asked to share how ancestral skin marking assists in the healing of our committees.

I would like to introduce you to the presenters and official responders, bios are in order of appearance:

Mel Lefebvre @theoriginalmel is a Two-Spirit Metis/Cree/French/Irish traditional tattoo practitioner based in montreal.

Geo Neptune @niskapisuwin (they/them) is a two-spirit member from the Passamaquoddy Tribe at Indian Township, Maine.

Sheri Osden Nault @so_nault is a visual artist, social activist, DIY enthusiast, and occasional writer. They are Nehiyaw and Red River Michif of the Charette and Belanger families, with Saulteax and Assiniboine ancestry.

I would like to introduce you to the official responders, the official responders are exceptional up and coming scholars and artists and I am excited to have them take part in this conversation. Bios are in order of appearance:

Kayla Rudderham is a Mi’kmaq and white-settler artist, researcher, and curator from Unama’kik (Cape Breton, NS).

Piper Doak is an artist and musician based in Halifax, Nova Scotia who is currently working on a BA in Art History at NSCAD University.

Holly Aubichon is an emerging artist, working with two-dimensional mediums. She identifies as Metis with her lineage from Green Lake and Lestock SK, and mixed European ancestry.

I acknowledge the support of the Canada Council for the Arts.

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