Spiritual Soul Advice Oracle read and RECEIVING

1 year ago

This Spiritual Soul Advice I draw some Oracle Cards and the one that encapsulated everything I was speaking through the video ended up being pulled at the end RECEIVING!!!! Such a powerful message that card gives and it speaks to what I am seeing in chats and what I am pulling in around me. The key tone of the messages spirit brings is to rest, to allow, to give to the universe and trust. To have a full cup so you can be more effective and less strained in life. Very very powerful messages and my guides, higher self, arch angels, angels, and all the rest channeled a lot through me tonight out of unconditional love for all of you.
Its not easy, why I speak so candidly about my experiences cause I am walking through them and grasping at the lessons and learnings from each situation I face. I impart this on you all so you know I am not talking from a place of lack of experience. The Deeper truth lies with in, and the Truth of self is the hardest to swallow cause we expect it outside of self when its been in there playing PEEK A BOO with you all along.
It all starts with in you! The Love, The Compassion for ALL not just some, Reach inside and heal cause the war can't be fought with out you! Your cup must be filled to the very top so you can be the light house for others........ The Time is Now........

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Sending love and light to all of you, Enjoy!

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