Extraordinary vax injury/death toll data out of New Zealand

1 year ago

Extraordinary vax injury/death toll data out of New Zealand

A whistleblower has come forward and given Liz Gunn of the NZ Loyal Party (NZL) documentation showing that tens of thousands of New Zealanders have died within a short time of vaccination. Remember, NZ has just over 5 million people so tens of thousands of deaths are significant in anyone’s book.

In this video, she describes one clinic where 30 people received the COVID jab and all 30 of them died soon after.

Ms Gunn is demanding a criminal investigation - not an inquiry - and I think that’s what we need here in Australia too.

Would our stats be any different than those in NZ? I doubt it very much. And a Royal Commission or Albo’s Clayton’s inquiry will do nothing to stop the carnage taking place all around us.

I clearly remember when the VaxXed Bus was in Lightning Ridge last year - a town of about 3,000 people. We spoke with 25 locals and every single person we spoke with could name at least 3 people they personally know who died after a COVID jab and 6-10 who were injured.

These jabs - actually ALL jabs - need to be stopped today! Until they are proven to be safe, effective and necessary, we should not be forcing, mandating or even using any medical products which are essentially untested.

I applaud Liz Gunn and pray she will be successful in her appeals to Winston Peters.

We need Senators Malcolm Roberts, Alex Antic, Gerard Rennick, Ralph Babbet and Matt Canavan to join together as one and make the same demands here in Australia.

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