Lesson 7 - The Universal Antidote | Frequently Asked Questions and Wrap-up

1 year ago

Mirrored from The Universal Antidote: https://rumble.com/c/c-537305

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TUA University Training Video 7 is a final wrap-up video for The Universal Antidote University getting started series. We will answer a series of frequently asked questions. If you have been looking into chlorine dioxide for long I guarantee you have asked yourself these questions.

This is video #7 of the part series.

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FAQ Questions:
I still don't understand the difference between MMS1 and CDS. Can you explain that one more time?
I'm new to MMS1 and CDS. Should I just start taking it when I get COVID or have an illness?
Where can I buy the premade solutions of MMS and the acid activator and CDS?
Where can I buy the raw ingredients to make my own (MMS) 22.8% sodium chlorite solution and the acid activator solutions?
What books should I read to learn more about MMS and CDS?
Will chlorine dioxide cure...(disease x)?
Does MMS1 or CDS taken by mouth destroy good gut bacteria?
Will MMS1 or CDS harm my metal implants?
When can I eat if I'm taking MMS1 or CDS?
What foods should I avoid when taking MMS1 or CDS?
What's a Herxheimer reaction/healing crisis and what do I do about it?
What can I expect in regards to getting better once I start using MMS or CDS?
Where can I ask more questions?

Join TUA Telegram Channel: https://t.me/theuniversalantidote
Join TUA Discussion Group: https://t.me/joinchat/WTKamcXNaJdQ-ydP

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