What made Achillies so dangerous? | Some thoughts on ancient warriors

1 year ago

#ancientgreece, #theiliad, #sparta, #spartan, #thucydides, #achilles

The period I am mostly discussing today is estimated around 1200 BC, with a quick reference to the Peloponnesian War (431-404 BC) and an honorable mention of the Napoleonic Wars,
I should have fleshed out the details on the ‘rank and file’ of the Iliad more, but what I was saying about landowners being the dominant soldiers in ancient Greece is consistent with what I have read. That did change during the Peloponnesian War, because Athens was trying to use their naval advantage over Sparta. If anyone is interested in that, I am happy to make a video about it.

This short film from Adorea Olomouc represents a later period than what I mostly discuss today, but 1) their choreography is unmatched, 2) a good example of what I am trying to communicate on both the potential advantage armor can provide and on the athleticism an armored warrior could express. It is a little slow to start but hang in there, if you are at all interested in what I discussed today it is worth watching.


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