Can You Command Angel Armies?

10 months ago

Can you command angel armies? Let me share with you some of my experiences with angels, signs, wonders through the lens of God's word. I am not going to use my experience to translate scripture but rather, use the scripture to help me understand my experiences.

This short video has two purposes. First, it is to comfort and encourage the believer. Angels are assigned to the heirs of salvation. In light of the chaos, confusion, war and injustice, every believer should find this comforting as God is the same today, yesterday and forever. Angels are still at work today and I'll use scripture to filter my experience through the lens of God's word.

The first experience is from our first missionary trip to the Philippines in 1989. It was the first time I ever knew we interacted with an angel. The second testimony comes from an event I spoke at in Ohio in 2010. It was marked by marvelous signs and wonders witnessed by many. By 2012 I'd had 85 experiences like this when I quit counting. You'll find a few of those transformative results here at These experiences continue to this day and it is not just for me, but for those who also carry the message I carry and apply the word of God to their lives.

We'll use the scripture to examine what we can learn from God's pattern and I'd like to share with you how I answer the question, "can you command angel armies?" This is not an exhaustive study, but I believe that it is sufficient to describe the pattern we find in scripture.

Psalm 103, 104, 2 Kings 6, Matthew 26, Hebrews 1 and Isaiah 37 illustrate the pattern I see well. It's that pattern that guided my actions for decades. It's why I am so passionate about hearing God's voice and then lending my lips and tongue to release His word on earth as it is in heaven. I submit this to you for your prayerful consideration.

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